What is the default password for QNAP NAS?

Default admin password is admin.

What is the default password for phpMyAdmin?

The default username is “root” default password is ” (empty/blank). if u want to know the password go to wamp installation path\apps\ for example C:\wamp\apps\phpmyadmin2. 10.1 in this path u can fine the file named ‘config.

How do I find my phpMyAdmin admin password?

How to Reset Your Admin Password in phpMyAdmin

  1. Click the admins table on the left hand side.
  2. Look at the username column to find the user you need to reset the password for.
  3. Look for the password row.

How do I find my QNAP password?

I – I forget My Password And Cannaot Login Device Interface Please press the reset button on the back of NAS for 3 seconds. You will hear 1 long beep. It will reset the admin password to default “admin” and set the network as DHCP. Your data will be left intact.

How do I log into my QNAP NAS?

Accessing the NAS Using a Browser

  1. Verify that your computer is connected to the same network as the NAS.
  2. Open a web browser on your computer.
  3. Type the IP address of the NAS in the address bar. The QTS login screen appears.
  4. Specify your user name and password. The default user name and password is admin .
  5. Click Login.

How do I find the administrator password for a website?

How to Find a Domain Admin Password

  1. Log in to your admin workstation with your user name and password that has administrator privileges.
  2. Type “net user /?” to view all your options for the “net user” command.
  3. Type “net user administrator * /domain” and press “Enter.” Change “domain” with your domain network name.

How do I change my phpMyAdmin Admin password?

Once you have the name of it, go to your Site Tools > Site > MySQL > phpMyAdmin.

  1. step 1Select the phpBB database on the left side.
  2. step 2Click on the users table (e.g. phpbbhs_users).
  3. step 3Click Browse and find the username you wish to edit (e.g. admin).
  4. step 4Click on Edit.

How do I change my QNAP Admin password?

SMTP Server: Go to Control Panel > System > Notification > E-mail. Change Password: Go to Control Panel > System > Security.

What’s the default password for MySQL on QNAP?

In essence: we’re done. The default username for MySQL on your QNAP is “ root ” and the default password is “ admin “. In case you changed the password of root and forgot what it was; In the “ Application Servers ” → “ MySQL Server ” page a “ Reset root password ” will allow you to reset it to it’s defaults.

How to install phpMyAdmin plugin in QNAP?

Finally we can now install the phpMyAdmin QPKG (download through the QPKG page of your QNAP or directly here )- you can do this “ Application Server ” → “ QPKG Plugins ” section. See How to Install a QNAP QPKG for more details.

How to get to the admin page of QNAP?

QNAP – Your webserver is running and welcomes you … If you always used http:// to get to the admin pages of your QNAP, then you will notice that this no longer works.

What is the default NAS admin username and password?

Starting from QTS 4.4.2, the default password for “admin” is the first MAC address of your NAS without special characters. All letters should be uppercase. If you have changed but forgot your password, press the Reset button on the rear panel of your NAS for 3 seconds to reset the password.