What is the hardest Dutch word?

Meteorologisch (meteorological) is the most difficult Dutch word to pronounce, according to Dutch language experts.

What is the most Dutch thing to say?

7 Hilarious Dutch Sayings you Need to Know

  • Nu komt de aap uit de mouw – Now the monkey comes out of the sleeve.
  • Het komt allemaal in één maag – It all goes into one stomach.
  • Doe maar Normaal, dan doe je al gek genoeg – Act normal, as that’s crazy enough.
  • Tyfus, kanker, kolere – Typhus, cancer, cholera.

What is the longest Dutch word?

The 53-letter word Kindercarnavalsoptochtvoorbereidingswerkzaamhedenplan, meaning “preparation activities plan for a children’s carnival procession”, was cited by the 1996 Guinness Book of World Records as the longest Dutch word.

What is Dank je wel?

Dank je wel or Dank u wel. Thanks a lot (informal or informal)

How do the Dutch say Gouda?

Just to get things straight, Gouda is not pronounced “goo-da”. The Dutch “g” is a tricky beast: it’s a guttural sound much like clearing your throat (I know – delightful); or, if that’s not quite working, replace the guttural “g” with a softer “h”.

Is Dutch a weird language?

Dutch is a difficult and challenging language that features some very strange aspects, such as unexpected borrowings and very difficult spelling. You may be surprised to learn how many Dutch words are borrowed from other languages.

How do you respond to Dankjewel?

You answer with “dank u wel” in the polite form, or “dank je wel” in the informal way. Often shortened to “dank u” or “dank je”. Also shortened to “bedankt” of “bedankt hoor”.

What is sorry in Dutch?

het spijt me
Sorry, het spijt me*.

Which is the funniest expression in the Dutch language?

The 20 funniest Dutch expressions (and how to use them) 1. The Dutch don’t wake up in a bad mood…they ‘step out of bed with the wrong leg’ ( Met het verkeerde been uit bed… 2. Dutch don’t only feel great…they feel ‘Chickendelicious’ ( Kiplekker ). 3. The Dutch don’t order a cup of coffee…they

How many Dutch idioms are there in the world?

Here are 33 Dutch phrases and idioms to get you started. There are 16.99 million Dutchies across the globe and a further 28 millions of Dutch descent. Despite the longest word in the Dutch dictionary ‘ Meervroudigepersoonlijkheidsstoornissen ‘ (meaning ‘multiple personality disorder’) weighing in at 38 letters, they don’t speak ‘double Dutch’.

What do you call your in-laws in Dutch?

Your in-laws in Dutch are called your schoonfamilie – your ‘clean family’. Literally ‘squeak foam’, it means expanded polystyrene. And the favourite for people learning Dutch: gloves which are called handschoenen. Shoes for your hands! These are not the only strange Dutch words.

What do Dutch people say when they are cold?

4. Dutch people don’t get goosebumps when the are cold…they get ‘chickenskin’ ( Kippenvel ). 5. A Dutch person does not spend too much time on details…they’re ‘someone who fucks ants’ (Mierenneuker).