What is the inferior iliac spine?

The anterior inferior iliac spine (AIIS) is bony prominence on the anterior border of the ilium forming the superior border of the acetabulum. Attachments include the Iliacus, origin of straight head of the rectus femoris, and also the proximal ileofemoral ligament (Y-ligament or ligament of Bigelow).

Where is the superior iliac spine?

The anterior superior iliac spine is the uppermost of projection on anterior border of the ala of ilium, situated at the junction of the crest and anterior border; its outer border gives attachment to the fascia lata, and the Tensor fasciæ latæ, its inner border, to the Iliacus; while its extremity affords attachment …

What muscle attaches to the inferior iliac spine?

Anatomical Parts Below the notch of insertion of sartorius on anterior border of the ala of ilium, is the anterior inferior iliac spine, which ends in the upper lip of the acetabulum; it gives attachment to the straight tendon of the Rectus femoris and to the iliofemoral ligament of the hip-joint.

What attaches to the anterior superior iliac spine?

The anterior superior iliac spine refers to the anterior extremity of the iliac crest of the pelvis. This is a key surface landmark, and easily palpated. It provides attachment for the inguinal ligament, the sartorius muscle, and the tensor fasciae latae muscle.

What muscle originates on the anterior superior iliac spine?

The sartorius
The sartorius is a long band-like muscle that runs lateral to medial crossing the anterior aspect of the thigh. It originates from the anterior superior iliac spine and runs superficially to the quadriceps muscles and inserts on the superomedial surface of the tibia via the pes anserinus.

How do you fix iliac crest pain?

Treatment Options for Iliac Crest Pain

  1. Rest. It may be helpful to rest after a strenuous activity that puts pressure on your lower back or hip bone.
  2. Icing.
  3. Elevate and compress.
  4. Anti-inflammatory medication.
  5. Physical therapy.
  6. Topical ointments and creams.
  7. Exercises and stretching routine.

What causes inflammation of the iliac crest?

Common causes of iliac crest pain include overuse injuries, excessive exercising, or a trauma such as a fall. These can cause damage or inflammation to the iliac crest or surrounding joints, nerves, muscles, tendons (fiber-like tissues), and ligaments (elastic-like tissues).

What is the significance of the anterior superior spine?

Structure. The anterior superior iliac spine refers to the anterior extremity of the iliac crest of the pelvis. This is a key surface landmark, and easily palpated. It provides attachment for the inguinal ligament, the sartorius muscle, and the tensor fasciae latae muscle.

How do you identify anterior superior iliac spine?

Anterior superior iliac spine (ASIS) ➢ Put your hand on the hips ➢ locate the Iliac Crest / hip bone palpate frontward ➢ ASIS is a sharp notch:, above the femur/ thigh bone when seated. ➢ Sit on your hand with palm up to feel the IT against your fingers tips.

What attaches to anterior superior iliac spine?

What is the importance of the anterior superior iliac spine?

The anterior superior iliac spine (abbreviated: ASIS) is a bony projection of the iliac bone, and an important landmark of surface anatomy. It refers to the anterior extremity of the iliac crest of the pelvis. It provides attachment for the inguinal ligament, and the sartorius muscle.

Which is the distal attachment of the femur?

Distal Attachment: Lesser trochanter of femur. Nerve: Lumbar plexus. Combined Action: With the proximal attachment fixed, the Iliopsoas flexes the hip joint by flexing the femur on the trunk. It also may assist in external rotation of the hip joint. The Psoas Major, acting bilaterally with the distal attachment fixed,…

What do the anatomical terms distal and proximal mean?

They describe the position of a structure with reference to its origin – proximal means closer to its origin, distal means further away.

Which is superior the umbilicus or the patella?

The patella is located anteriorly in the lower limb. These terms refer to the vertical axis. Superior means ‘higher’, inferior means ‘lower’. The head is superior to the neck; the umbilicus is inferior to the sternum. Here we run into a small complication, and limbs are very mobile, and what is superior in one position is inferior in another.

Is the patella anterior or posterior to the brachii?

The triceps are posterior to biceps brachii. The patella is located anteriorly in the lower limb. These terms refer to the vertical axis. Superior means ‘higher’, inferior means ‘lower’.