What is the longitude of Mars?

The sixteen equatorial quadrangles are the smallest, with surface areas of 4,500,000 square kilometres (1,700,000 sq mi) each, while the twelve mid-latitude quadrangles each cover 4,900,000 square kilometres (1,900,000 sq mi)….Quadrangles.

Number MC-08
Name Amazonis
Latitudes 0–30° N
Longitudes 135–180° W
Features Features

Does Mars have coordinates?

The coordinate system works the same on Mars as on Earth. Lines of latitude run parallel to the equator and measure north-south position between the poles. 0°, 180° is on the exact opposite side of the planet, and is the point of intersection between the antimeridian and the equator.

What is Mars prime meridian?

Airy-0 is a crater inside the larger Airy Crater on Mars, whose location defined the position of the prime meridian of that planet. It is about 0.5 km (0.3 mile) across and lies within the dark region Sinus Meridiani, one of the early albedo features to be identified on Mars.

What is the topography of Mars?

A topographic view of Mars can be telling of the many distinguishing characteristics that it possesses. Mars is known to have several significant topographic features such as Olympus Mons, the highest peak in the solar system, and Valles Marineris, a canyon that easily dwarfs the Grand Canyon.

Where is Mars prime meridian?

Airy-0 is a crater inside the larger Airy Crater on Mars, whose location defined the position of the prime meridian of that planet. It is about 0.5 km (0.3 mile) across and lies within the dark region Sinus Meridiani, one of the early albedo features to be identified on Mars.

Which city lies directly on the prime meridian or 0 degrees longitude?

List of prime meridians on Earth

Locality Modern longitude Meridian name
Greenwich 0° 00′ 00.00″ IERS Reference Meridian
Paris 2° 20′ 14.025″ E Paris meridian
Brussels 4° 22′ 4.71″ E
Antwerp 4° 24′ E Antwerp meridian

How hilly is Mars?

The northern lowlands comprise about one-third of the surface of Mars and are relatively flat, with occasional impact craters. The other two-thirds of the Martian surface are the southern highlands. The difference in elevation between the hemispheres is dramatic.