What is the meaning of Jeremiah chapter 17?

Jeremiah prays to God: he says he’s been a faithful servant, and wants to be saved from his enemies and healed from his sufferings. He asks God to make sure that his persecutors are destroyed. But if they don’t do this, God’s wrath will burn up the city and devour it. He really means it this time.

Why you shouldn’t trust your heart?

“The heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked.” The unredeemed heart is full of wickedness and sin, and the redeemed heart often falls too easily back into those temptations, especially when we’re leaning on our own understanding (following our heart) instead of trusting in the Lord and looking to Him …

When was Jeremiah 17 written?

; 6th century).

Why did God tell Jeremiah to go to the Potter’s House?

When God wanted to teach the prophet Jeremiah an important spiritual lesson, God “nudged him” to go down to the Potter’s House. In that unlikely setting, God showed Jeremiah how the clay can be molded and spoiled in the Potter’s hand. God was warning Jeremiah that the people of Judah must make God their #1 priority.

Should you follow your heart or mind?

Listening to your head may lead to more tangible success, but not following your heart increases your risk of regret, so if you want to lead a more satisfying life, follow your heart.

What is the difference between the heart and the mind?

The main difference between heart and mind is that the heart, figuratively, is believed to be related with the emotional sentiments while the mind is believed to be related mostly with rational thinking. Heart and mind are often talked subject matters among us.

Why must we guard our hearts?

Guarding our hearts means protecting ourselves as Christians from all the things that would come to harm us. We have to overcome temptations every day. We need to find ways to overcome doubts that tend to creep in. We guard our hearts against all kinds of distractions from our faith.

What happens when you give your heart to God?

When you give your heart to God, you stop worrying about all that you can’t control. You slow down, you begin to trust, you let the little things roll off your back. You know that your heart is in a safe place, and you find comfort knowing your God will never break or leave it.