What is the meaning of the Rosca de Reyes?

During Día de Los Reyes, Mexicans serve Rosca de Reyes, or King’s Cake. “Rosca” means wreath and “reyes” means kings. The Rosca de Reyes has an oval shape to symbolize a crown and has a small doll inside, which represents baby Jesus. The doll figure symbolizes the hiding of the infant Jesus from King Herod’s troops.

What bread do you eat on January 6th?

Rosca de Reyes
What is Rosca de Reyes? The Rosca de Reyes, or Kings Day Bread, is a traditional, orange-flavored bread that is adorned with dried fruit and that is primarily consumed around January 5th and 6th during the Kings Day celebrations.

What does the Three Kings Bread represent?

Rosca de Reyes (Three Kings Bread): Rosca de Reyes is a traditional holiday bread made especially for Three Kings’ Day. The bread is round in shape as a symbol of a king’s crown. Baked within the folds of bread is a clay or porcelain baby Jesus figurine.

Why do they put a baby Jesus in bread?

The bejeweled-looking bread is meant to symbolize the gifts given to baby Jesus, and inside the bread is a little plastic baby, symbolizing the newborn messiah.

What does the bread with the baby mean?

Symbolism. The symbolism of the Rosca de Reyes speaks of the Biblical story of Mary and Joseph’s flight to Egypt to protect the infant Jesus from the slaughter of the innocents. The shape of the Rosca symbolizes a crown, in this case, the crown of King Herod from whom they were trying to hide the infant Jesus.

What happens when you find baby Jesus in the Rosca?

The bejeweled-looking bread is meant to symbolize the gifts given to baby Jesus, and inside the bread is a little plastic baby, symbolizing the newborn messiah. If you get the baby in your slice, you have to cook tamales for everyone on Feb. 2, or Candelaria Day.

What does it mean when you get baby Jesus in your bread?

The figurine in the Rosca represents baby Jesus in hiding. The person who finds the baby Jesus is symbolically his godparent and must sponsor the party when he is taken to the temple to be blessed, celebrated as Día de la Candelaria, or Candlemas, on February 2nd.

Why do people eat a rosca?

Rosca de Reyes is eaten on Día de Reyes, or the Epiphany, each year. It’s a tradition that came over from Spain to Mexico and eventually the southern states. It marks the day when, according to the Christian faith, the Three Wise Men following the star to Bethlehem arrived with gifts for baby Jesus.

What is a rosca bread?

Rosca (ring or bagel) is a Spanish and Portuguese bread dish eaten in Mexico, South America, and other areas. It is made with flour, salt, sugar, butter, yeast, water, and seasonings. It is also called ka’ake and referred to as a “Syrian-style cracker ring”.

What does it mean if you find the baby in the bread?

The figurine of the baby Jesus hidden in the bread represents the flight of the Holy Family, fleeing from Herod the Great’s Massacre of the Innocents. Whoever finds the baby Jesus figurine is blessed and must take the figurine to the nearest church on Candlemas Day or host a party that day.

Why do we celebrate the Rosca de Reyes?

Rosca de Reyes is a traditional bread enjoyed by Christians to commemorate El Día de Los Tres Reyes Magos or Three Kings’ Day. It honors the day the Three Kings visited the newborn Jesus, and officially ends the holiday season in Mexico and in Latin America.