What is the most common early complication of open splenectomy?

These are reported with both open and laparoscopic splenectomy. Early postoperative complications include pulmonary complications (atelectasis to pneumonia), subphrenic abscess, ileus, portal vein thrombosis, thrombocytosis, thrombotic complications, and wound complications (hematomas, seromas, and wound infections).

How long does it take to recover from open splenectomy?

Recovering from surgery takes 4 to 8 weeks. You may have some of these symptoms as you recover: Pain around the incision for a few weeks.

What is an open splenectomy?

Open splenectomy requires a larger surgical cut than the laparoscopic method. The surgeon makes an incision across the middle or left side of your abdomen underneath the rib cage. After locating the spleen, the surgeon disconnects it from the pancreas and the body’s blood supply, and then removes it.

How big is a splenectomy scar?

If an open approach is being used, one incision that is about 4 to 5 inches long is made. Visualization: The spleen has many blood vessels. The surgeon will find the blood vessels leading to and from the spleen and place clips on them to stop blood from flowing through to the organ.

Do you have an immune system without a spleen?

However, with the loss of the lymphoid tissue in the spleen, the immune system fights infections with a bit of a handicap. That’s why the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommend that people without a spleen get vaccinated against preventable diseases, including influenza (flu).

What happens to red blood cells after splenectomy?

However, after a splenectomy the lack of presence of the spleen means this function cannot be carried out so damaged erythrocytes will continue to circulate in the blood and can release substances into the blood.

Can I donate blood with no spleen?

If your spleen was removed due to trauma or physical injury, you can donate six months after you’ve made a full recovery. If you received a blood transfusion as well, you’ll need to wait 12 months after the transfusion.