What is the most iconic video game soundtrack?

The best video game music: our guide to the best soundtracks

  • God of War, Bear McCreary (2018)
  • Monument Valley 2, Todd Baker (2017)
  • Journey, Austin Wintory (2012)
  • Everybody’s Gone to the Rapture, Jessica Curry (2015)
  • The Final Fantasy Series, by Nobuo Uematsu.
  • The Legend of Zelda, by Koji Kondo.
  • Uncharted, by Greg Edmonson.

What is the Silent Hill song called?

Silent Hill (Akira Yamaoka song)

Who made the Silent Hill soundtrack?

Akira Yamaoka
Silent Hill Original Soundtracks/Artists
Like the Final Fantasy series, which owes its singularly excellent music to the singular skills of one Nobuo Uematsu, the music of Silent Hill is almost all thanks to one man. Composer Akira Yamaoka is single-handedly responsible for most of the series’ auditory nightmares.

How did Silent Hill End?

At the end of the movie, the devil enters Rose to gain entrance to the cult’s sanctuary to finally fulfill the promise of revenge to Alessa. Earlier, Sharon was found and protected by Alessa’s mother, Dahlia, but the cult locates them, intending to burn Sharon and Cybil alive to cleanse them by fire.

What instruments are used in the Silent Hill theme?

For each of them Yamaoka wrote ear catching cues based on guitar, piano and synthesizers – so to mention the iconic main theme from the first Silent Hill installment or the lyrical Promise (Reprise) from Silent Hill 2.

What genre is the Silent Hill soundtrack?

Video game music
Silent Hill Original Soundtracks/Genres

What genre is Akira Yamaoka?

Akira Yamaoka/Genres

What music game has the most songs?

As of 25 July 2017, there were 1,198 individual songs in Jagex’s MMO RuneScape, all composed specifically for the game.

What is the longest soundtrack?

The Rise and Fall of Bossanova
Answer: As of 2019, Guinness World Records states that the longest officially released song was “The Rise and Fall of Bossanova,” by PC III, which lasts 13 hours, 23 minutes, and 32 seconds.