What is the most important function of the spleen?

The spleen has some important functions: it fights invading germs in the blood (the spleen contains infection-fighting white blood cells) it controls the level of blood cells (white blood cells, red blood cells and platelets) it filters the blood and removes any old or damaged red blood cells.

What is the physiology of spleen?

The spleen sits in the upper left of the abdomen, protected by the rib cage. It is the largest organ of the lymphatic system — the circulation of the immune system. It recycles old red blood cells and stores platelets (components of the blood that help stop bleeding) and white blood cells.

What is the histological structure of the spleen?

The spleen is a fist sized organ located in the left upper quadrant of the abdomen. It is the largest lymphoid organ and thus the largest filter of blood in the human body….Histology of the spleen.

Definition Non-vital lymphoid organ in the left upper quadrant of the abdomen
Structure Red pulp, white pulp

What is the physiological function of the spleen?

Your spleen’s main function is to act as a filter for your blood. It recognizes and removes old, malformed, or damaged red blood cells. When blood flows into your spleen, your spleen performs “quality control”; your red blood cells must pass through a maze of narrow passages.

What are the functions of spleen?

What does the spleen do?

  • Stores blood.
  • Filters blood by removing cellular waste and getting rid of old or damaged blood cells.
  • Makes white blood cells and antibodies that help you fight infection.
  • Maintains the levels of fluid in your body.
  • Produces antibodies that protect you against infection.

What other function does the spleen perform?

The spleen plays multiple supporting roles in the body. It acts as a filter for blood as part of the immune system. Old red blood cells are recycled in the spleen, and platelets and white blood cells are stored there. The spleen also helps fight certain kinds of bacteria that cause pneumonia and meningitis.

Does the spleen produce antibodies?

The spleen is an organ found in almost all vertebrate animals. It mainly acts as a filter for purifying the blood, removing microbes and worn out or damaged red blood cells. It is also an important organ in the immune system, producing the white blood cells that fight infection and synthesize antibodies.

Which is the most proximal part of the perionychium?

The perionychium includes the nail bed, nail fold, eponychium, paronychium, and hyponychium. The nail bed, the soft tissue beneath the nail, includes the germinal matrix proximally and the sterile matrix distally. The nail fold, which is the most proximal extent of the perionychium, consists of a dorsal roof and a ventral floor.

What is the function of the spleen in the body?

The physical organization of the spleen allows it to filter blood of pathogens and abnormal cells and facilitate … The spleen is the largest secondary lymphoid organ in the body and, as such, hosts a wide range of immunologic functions alongside its roles in hematopoiesis and red blood cell clearance.

What is the function of Myoepithelial cells in the spleen?

Both the capsule and trabeculae contain myoepithelial cells which have the ability to contract. As the spleen stores a significant amount of blood, the contraction of myoepithelial cells pumps stored blood into the circulatory system when the body is in need; for example during intense physical activity or massive hemorrhage.

What is the function of APCs in the spleen?

APCs specific to the spleen regulate the T and B cell response to these antigenic targets in the blood. This review will focus on cell types, cell organization, and immunologic functions specific to the spleen and how these affect initiation of adaptive immunity to systemic blood-borne antigens.