What is the net migration rate of Australia 2020?

6.4 migrants per thousand population
In 2020, net migration rate for Australia was 6.4 migrants per thousand population.

Does Australia have a net out migration?

The current net migration rate for Australia in 2021 is 5.665 per 1000 population, a 4.16% decline from 2020….Australia Net Migration Rate 1950-2021.

Australia – Historical Net Migration Rate Data
Year Net Migration Rate Growth Rate
2020 5.911 -4.000%
2019 6.157 -3.840%
2018 6.403 -6.390%

What does net overseas migration mean?

Net overseas migration is the net gain or loss of population through immigration to Australia and emigration from Australia. That period is defined to be either in or out of Australia for at least 12 months within a 16 month period (the so-called ’12/16 month rule’).

Where are Australia’s migrants coming from?

Western Australia, with 528,827 overseas-born residents, had the highest proportion of foreign-born population….Country of birth of Australian residents.

Source: Australian Bureau of Statistics (2020)
Place of birth Estimated resident population
India 721,050
Mainland China 650,640
New Zealand 564,840

Where do Australia’s migrants come from?

About one in every four migrants in Australia was from the United Kingdom. Immigrants from the top five countries of origin – the United Kingdom, New Zealand, China (excluding Hong Kong and Taiwan), Italy, and Vietnam – accounted for 45.1 percent of all of the foreign born in Australia.

What countries migrate to Australia the most?


# 1901 2016
1. United Kingdom United Kingdom
2. Ireland New Zealand
3. German Empire China
4. China India