What is the population of Córdoba Argentina?

The current metro area population of Cordoba in 2021 is 1,585,000, a 0.83% increase from 2020. The metro area population of Cordoba in 2020 was 1,572,000, a 0.77% increase from 2019. The metro area population of Cordoba in 2019 was 1,560,000, a 0.78% increase from 2018.

Is Córdoba worth visiting Argentina?

While most people visiting the country will no doubt explore the capital city, Córdoba is worth the trip for its blend of new and old, with 17th-century Jesuit ruins alongside modern art galleries, and a huge student population that makes the city fun and hip.

Why you should visit Córdoba Argentina?

Here’s why.

  • Landscapes to die for.
  • Young and hip nightlife in the city.
  • Prominent place in Argentine history.
  • Home of the national drink.
  • Home to random European settlements.
  • Some of the best road tripping in the country.
  • Some of the most psychedelic spots in Argentina.
  • Full of colonial history.

Is Córdoba Argentina poor?

Located in the geographical centre of Argentina, Córdoba is the country’s second largest city and has a population of 1.3 million. At the time, almost half the population fell into poverty. Thousands of people lost their jobs and their savings.

Is it safe to visit Cordoba?

Cordoba is a fairly safe place to visit. Having said this, there are certain precautions that should be taken in order to avoid troublesome situations in Spain. Like always, common sense is the most effective tool for staying safe. Avoid traveling alone at night.

How safe is Córdoba?

What to do in Cordoba, second largest city in Argentina?

The Crazy Tourist. Córdoba, the second-largest city in Argentina, has a different personality than the metropolis of Buenos Aires. Across the country, the people of Córdoba (known as Cordobesas) are known as fun-loving folks with a fondness for cuarteto music, rally car racing, and the drink of Fernet and Coke.

What to do in Cordoba in the summer?

Take out a paddle boat, use the exercise equipment, feed the ducks, or just lounge in the grass. The park is even home to a zoo! There are occasional live performances at the amphitheater inside, and it’s open until late in the summer. 4.

What kind of wine do they drink in Cordoba Argentina?

Fernet Branca is the preferred brand (and pretty much the only one you’ll see around), and the people of Córdoba drink about one-third of all the fernet in Argentina. This aromatic concoction is an acquired taste to say the least, but when in Rome, right?

Which is the best city to visit in Spain?

While most people visiting the country will no doubt explore the capital city, Córdoba is worth the trip for its blend of new and old, with 17th-century Jesuit ruins alongside modern art galleries, and a huge student population that makes the city fun and hip.