What is the purpose of the Stele of the Vultures?

The Stele of the Vultures is a monument from the Early Dynastic III period (2600–2350 BC) in Mesopotamia celebrating a victory of the city-state of Lagash over its neighbour Umma. It shows various battle and religious scenes and is named after the vultures that can be seen in one of these scenes.

Where is the stele of vultures?

the Louvre Museum
Currently on display at the Louvre Museum, the Stele of the Vultures originates from Tello (ancient Girsu) in Iraq and dates to the Early Dynastic III period, or roughly between 2600 and 2350 BC. The stele was erected to celebrate the victory of the Sumerian city-state of Lagash, ruled by Eanatum, over its rival Umma.

Who created the Stele of the Vultures?

The Stele of Vultures was written by Lagash as war propaganda, so when interpreting the Stele, it is important to note that it is one-sided and inherently biased. Scenes are carved on both sides of the stele, with inscriptions filling in the negative space.

Who is on the stele of Hammurabi?

Hammurabi is portrayed receiving the laws directly from Shamash the sun god. (a parallel to Moses can be made here). Shamash is the dominate figure—he is seated on his throne, wears a crown composed of four pairs of horns, holds a ring and staff, and has flames issuing from his shoulders.

What do you know about Stele?

A stele (/ˈstiːli/ STEE-lee), or occasionally stela (plural stelas or stelæ), when derived from Latin, is a stone or wooden slab, generally taller than it is wide, erected in the ancient world as a monument. Stelae were created for many reasons. Grave stelae were used for funerary or commemorative purposes.

Did ancient Mesopotamia have court?

How the Justice System Worked in Mesopotamia. In Mesopotamia there were legal codes but no lawyers. Parties involved in disputes had to plead their cases directly to government authorities, often people close to the king or the king himself.

What did Sargon do to earn the nickname The Great?

Sargon survived the assassination attempt, bumped off the king himself and then assumed the throne. From there, he inaugurated a conquest of the whole of Sumer using history’s first known professional army.

Why is the stele of Hammurabi famous?

Hammurabi ruled Babylon from about 1792 to 1750 BCE. He is noted for his surviving set of laws, which were inscribed on a stela in Babylon’s temple of Marduk. Hammurabi’s Code was once considered the oldest promulgation of laws in human history, though older, shorter law collections have since been found.

What are the major functions of stele?

The stele functions in the transport of water, nutrients, and photosynthates, while the cortical parenchyma fulfills metabolic functions that are not very well characterized.