What is the purpose of the strawberry DNA extraction lab?

Background: The long, thick fibers of DNA store the information for the functioning of the chemistry of life. DNA is present in every cell of plants and animals. The DNA found in strawberry cells can be extracted using common, everyday materials.

What is the hypothesis of strawberry DNA extraction?

Hypothesis. The hypothesis is that the temperature of the Ethanol affects the amount of DNA extracted from a Strawberry. My hypothesis is that the hot ethanol at temperature 62 C might not work because the ethanol might evaporate, then there won’t be enough Ethanol to break the cell wall.

What is the independent variable in the DNA extraction lab?

The dependant variable of this experiment was the amount of DNA extracted, and the independent variable was the amount of each material we would use.

What can scientists learn about strawberries by extracting the DNA?

Scientists study DNA for many reasons: They can figure out how the instructions stored in DNA help your body to function properly. In this activity, strawberries will be used because each strawberry cell has eight copies of the genome, giving them a lot of DNA per cell.

Why is extraction of DNA important?

The ability to extract DNA is of primary importance to studying the genetic causes of disease and for the development of diagnostics and drugs. It is also essential for carrying out forensic science, sequencing genomes, detecting bacteria and viruses in the environment and for determining paternity.

How does DNA extraction work?

DNA extraction is a routine procedure used to isolate DNA from the nucleus of cells. When an ice-cold alcohol is added to a solution of DNA, the DNA precipitates out of solution. If there is enough DNA in the solution, you will see a stringy white mass.

What is the independent variable in strawberry DNA lab?

The independent variable was the strawberries. The dependent variable was the amount of DNA that was extracted. Lastly, the controlled variables were the environment, mixing solution, and the types of materials.

What is the hypothesis of DNA extraction lab?

DNA Extraction Lab Hypothesis There are a few hypotheses you can apply to this science lab. Is it possible to isolate DNA from cells? Is there a difference in how much DNA is extracted depending on soap type? Does the DNA of all fruits look the same?

What is the purpose of DNA extraction lab?

This DNA extraction laboratory is an activity to facilitate learning about cells and the structures inside of them. All living things are made of cells. Inside cells are smaller structures called organelles that work to perform different functions, or jobs, within the cell.

What are some uses of DNA extraction?

Common Uses for DNA Extraction

  • Forensics. You likely know that DNA is a key component in many criminal investigations.
  • Paternity Tests. DNA extraction is also helpful for determining the paternity of a child.
  • Ancestry Tracking.
  • Medical Tests.
  • Genetic Engineering.
  • Vaccines.
  • Hormones.