What is the Section 202 program?

The Section 202 program helped expand the supply of affordable housing with supportive services for the elderly. It provided direct loans and capital advances from the federal government to support nonprofit entities to build housing for very low-income elderly.

Is section 202 the same as Section 8?

The original Section 202 provided loans to nonprofit organizations at a rate of 3 percent to build housing for older low- and moderate-income persons and the disabled. In 1999, three million families benefited from Section 8 subsidies; 44 percent of these were older people.

What is a HUD nofa?

Notice of Funding Availability (NOFO) – The Notice of Funding Opportunities (NOFO) is a notice published each year on Grants.gov for HUD’s Discretionary Funding Programs. Funding Notices – Funding Notices are published for existing Recipients of HUD’s Discretionary Funding Programs.

How do I apply for low rent?

To apply, contact a public housing agency in your state. Housing Choice Voucher Program in which you find a rental property yourself, and use the voucher to pay for all or part of the rent. To apply, contact a public housing agency in your state.

Is Section 8 the same as section 811?

The tenant-based Section 8 rental assistance program is the primary way in which HUD provides tenant-based rental assistance, although tenant-based assistance has been made available through other programs, including Section 811.

What are 811 units?

Through the Section 811 Supportive Housing for Persons with Disabilities program, HUD provides funding to develop and subsidize rental housing with supportive services for very low- and extremely low-income adults with disabilities.

What is an 811 voucher?

Section 811 Project Rental Assistance (PRA) Program. The Section 811 PRA Program provides funds to state housing agencies to allocate rental assistance to housing units set aside in affordable housing projects whose capital costs are funded through other state and federal programs.

What was the purpose of the Section 202 program?

The Section 202 program is the Department’s principal program designed to develop subsidized rental housing for very low-income older adults. The intent of the program is to provide more than just shelter, as shown by the following passages of the Housing Act of 1959: “Sec. 202.

How to apply for a pa-20-205 grant?

Applicants should carefully note which ICs participate in this announcement and view their respective areas of research interest and requirements at the Table of IC-Specific Information, Requirements and Staff Contacts website. ICs that do not participate in this announcement will not consider applications for funding.

How long is the waiting list for Section 202?

Waiting lists for Section 202 facilities are long, especially when compared to the number of housing units becoming vacant each year. The relatively high demand for this housing means that applicants frequently must wait over two years for a unit.

How is Section 202 housing for the elderly?

Available information on resident satisfaction suggests that residents of Section 202 facilities are more satisfied with their home and immediate surroundings than participants in the Housing Choice Voucher program or unassisted very low-income elderly persons.