What is the significance of Muller vs Oregon?

Muller v. Oregon (1908) is a U.S. Supreme Court case in which the Court considered whether a state could limit the amount of hours a woman could work while not also limiting the hours of men.

Why was Muller v Oregon controversial?

In Muller vs. Oregon, a laundry owner argued that limiting women to a ten-hour work day was an unconstitutional violation of their right to choose their own employment. Due in large part to a unique legal brief by Louis Brandeis, the Supreme Court concluded that the states could limit the working hours of women.

What is the significance of Muller v Oregon quizlet?

Terms in this set (4) A supreme court case decided in 1908 that pertained to the working hours of women. The court ruled in favor of Oregon, that these restrictions were legal under the state laws to protect women’s health.

What did Muller v Oregon uphold?

On February 24, 1908, the Supreme Court decided Muller v. Oregon, unanimously upholding an Oregon law setting a 10-hour limit on the workday of women in factories and laundries. The Muller decision was a major victory for rising progressive lawyer Louis D. Brandeis because it upheld protective state regulations.

Do you agree with the Supreme Court’s decision in Muller give reasons for your answer?

Do you agree with the Supreme Court’s decision in Muller? Give reasons for your answer? Yes, Muller broke the law that was in place. Why was the Espionage Act passed?

What popular opinion was conveyed in the decision of Muller v Oregon?

Brewer’s opinion conveyed the accepted wisdom of the day: that women were unequal and inferior to men. He basically said that we have always known men to be stronger and women have always been dependent on the man.

Who won the Muller v Oregon case?

Facts of the case Oregon enacted a law that limited women to ten hours of work in factories and laundries. The owner of a laundry business, Curt Muller, was fined $10 when he violated the law. Muller appealed the conviction. The state supreme court upheld the law’s constitutionality.

Why did Kurt Muller claim the Oregon labor law was unconstitutional?

The Oregon law stated that women could not work more than ten hours a day in jobs associated with factories and laundries. After being convicted and charged with a $10 fine, Curt Muller appealed to the Oregon Supreme Court. Muller claimed that the charges violated his right to freely contract under the US Constitution.

Why did the Muller v Oregon cause controversy quizlet?

the Supreme Court case Muller v. Main argument: all women were “persons and citizens” and “as competent to contract with reference to their labor as are men.” The law was not a valid exercise of the police power. No connection between hour limits and health, safety, welfare.

Why was Muller v Oregon an important precedent to the progressive movement?

State of Oregon, U.S. Supreme Court case decided in 1908 that, although it appeared to promote the health and welfare of female workers, in fact led to additional protective legislation that was detrimental to equality in the workplace for years to come.

Who won the case in Muller v Oregon?

Why is Muller v Oregon 1908 considered a landmark case quizlet?

This was a landmark Supreme Court decision because it relates to both sex discrimination and labor laws.

What was the significance of Muller v Oregon?

Oregon, one of the most important U.S. Supreme Court cases of the Progressive Era, upheld an Oregon law limiting the workday for female wage earners to ten hours. The case established a precedent in 1908 to expand the reach of state activity into the realm of protective labor legislation.

Why did Curt Muller appeal to the Supreme Court?

He was charged with violating the law by allowing a woman at his laundry forced to work more than 10 hours in a given work day. After being convicted and charged with a $10 fine, Curt Muller appealed to the Oregon Supreme Court. Muller claimed that the charges violated his right to freely contract under the US Constitution.

Who was Emma Gotcher in Muller v Oregon?

The case originated when Hans Curt Muller, the owner of the Grand Laundry, compelled Emma Gotcher, unionist and the wife of a leader of the Shirtwaist and Laundryworkers’ Union, to work longer than the ten hours allowed by the state law.

Why did the Supreme Court rule in favor of Oregon?

Women are a special class of worker that needs to be protected.The statute is within the state’s police power to protect the health of the general public because of the physical well being of women is paramount to the production of healthy offspring. The Supreme Court had ruled in favor of Oregon, and so did the majority of the country.