What is the snare poem is about?

The poem talks about the protection and freedom of wild animals. The poet hears the cries of rabbit in the snare and expresses his sympathy for this poor little creature. He tries to locate it everywhere however, cannot find it. The poem expresses the poet kindness and sympathy for all those who are in trouble or pain.

What does wrinkling mean in the poem the snare?

The poet hears a sudden cry of pain. It wrinkles its face because he is in pain and frightened.

What is the overall effect of the poem on the reader?

Poets often hope to have an emotional impact on readers and to write using language that will be remembered. In other words, they want readers to feel or respond in certain ways after they read a poem and to remember that response.

What kind of cry does the rabbit make?

Rabbit ‘crying’ could also be described as ‘whimpering’ or ‘grunting,’ and, in severe cases, a cry may sound more like a ‘scream. ‘ Also, when a baby rabbit cries, it often sounds like a sheep bleating.

Who do you think is the speaker in the poem the snare?

In this poem, the speaker, using the first person, expresses his dismay about the rabbit caught in the snare. He then relates his desperate attempt to find the animal. The speaker searches for the rabbit as he hears the animal’s “cry of pain” (1).

What type of poem is the snare?

“The Snare” is a short poem written by the Irish poet and novelist, James Stephens, who is well known for his retellings of many Irish myths, especially owing to the rare combination of humour and lyricism that is found in them.

What is the rabbit crying for the snare?

Question 2: Why was the rabbit crying? Answer: The rabbit was crying in pain because its paw was caught in a snare.

What does Mr rabbit crinkle up and wrinkles?

Mr rabbit crinkle up and wrinkle up his nose. In the poem “Mr. Rabbit which the poet likes very much is the way he ‘crinkles’ and ‘wrinkles his nose at him.

What do line breaks do for a poem?

Line breaks serve an important function in setting the rhythm of a poem, since they insert a pause between the final word of one line and the first word of the next line.

Why are my rabbits eyes wet?

Rabbits can develop weepy eyes for many different reasons, and it’s a symptom that is nearly always a sign of a problem (even if the discharge is clear). The most common causes of weepy eyes include dental problems, tear duct disease, eye infections injuries, and irritation.

Why is my rabbit honking?

If a rabbit is honking, grunting, and circling, it’s a sign that the mating dance has begun. Both males and females make these noises. If your rabbits have been neutered, they may honk and grunt out of general excitement, like if they see you coming with a treat. They may also do it to get your attention.

Why did John Stephens write the snare poem?

In “The Snare” John Stephens describes the condition of a sensitive man when sees the sufferings of the innocent and the helpless. Perhaps the poem gives expression to an experience he had in childhood which he has never been able to forget. The poet hears a sudden cry of pain. Somewhere a rabbit is caught in a trap.

Who are the famous poets of the snare?

The Snare by James Stephens – Famous poems, famous poets. – All Poetry I hear a sudden cry of pain! But I cannot tell from where. He is calling out for aid! Making everything afraid! Making everything afraid! Wrinkling up his little face! – and I cannot find the place! Where his paw is in the snare!

What does the poem The snare say about animals?

Answer: The poem talks about the protection and freedom of wild animals. The poet hears the cries of the rabbit in the snare and expresses his sympathy for this poor little creature. He tries to locate it everywhere however, he cannot find it. The poem expresses the poet’s kindness and sympathy for all those who are in trouble or pain.