What is the state of iodine?

Fact box

Group 17 113.7°C, 236.7°F, 386.9 K
Period 5 184.4°C, 363.9°F, 457.6 K
Block p 4.933
Atomic number 53 126.904
State at 20°C Solid 127I

Is iodine a solid liquid or gas?

Iodine is a nonmetallic, nearly black solid at room temperature and has a glittering crystalline appearance. The molecular lattice contains discrete diatomic molecules, which are also present in the molten and the gaseous states.

What state is iodine in chemistry?

Iodine is a nonmetallic, nearly black solid at room temperature and has a glittering crystalline appearance. The molecular lattice contains discrete diatomic molecules, which are also present in the molten and the gaseous states. Above 700 °C (1,300 °F), dissociation into iodine atoms becomes appreciable.

Is I2 aqueous?

Nearly insoluble in water but very soluble in aqueous solutions of iodides.

Does iodine have a liquid state?

As Mike notes, iodine can indeed be a liquid at atmospheric pressure between 113.7 oC and 184.3 oC.

Who decided iodine in salt?

Borrowing an idea from the Swiss, a group of U.S. experts suggested adding iodine to salt. Iodized salt was first sold in Michigan in May 1924, and across the nation later that year. Within 10 years, the percentage of people in Michigan with goiter had fallen from about 30% to under 2%. In the U.S., it is rare today.

Is iodine a gas in standard state?

As a pure element, iodine is a lustrous purple-black nonmetal that is solid under standard conditions. It sublimes (changes from a solid to a gaseous state while bypassing a liquid form) easily and gives off a purple vapor.

Is iodine a base?

Iodine is neither an acid NOR a base…..

Why is iodine called the Vapour state?

Iodine in gaseous state should be called a vapour. This is because at room temperature and pressure, iodine exists as a solid. The other three substances- oxygen, fluorine and chlorine exist as a gas at room temperature.

What does not have a liquid state?

The answer to your question is no, there is no element with no liquid state. The state of an element (or molecule) depends on the temperature and the pressure. All elements can be in any of the three states (solid, liquid or gas) with the right temperature and pressure.

Who was responsible for the demise of the iodine state?

Suddenly, iodine was readily available throughout the country and South Carolina could no longer claim a monopoly on healthy vegetables. The Yankees responsible for the demise of “The Iodine State” motto were the owners of the Morton Salt Company, based in Chicago.

Why do we need iodine in South Carolina?

Sooo….in order to keep our bodies healthy and fit, humans need iodine in our diets. The wheels of 1930s South Carolina state government began churning out a national campaign. Even the South Carolina Department of Corrections (SCDC) got involved. Among other responsibilities, the Department of Corrections makes our license plates.

Where can iodine be found in the body?

Iodine element is available naturally in air, soil, and water. The most important source of this element is oceans. There are even some minerals, which contain iodine in them. Iodine is an essential component in humans for a proper functioning of the brain. The human body contains nearly 20 milligrams in the thyroid gland.

Who are the largest producers of iodine in the world?

The dominant producers of iodine today are Chile and Japan. Iodine and its compounds are primarily used in nutrition. Due to its high atomic number and ease of attachment to organic compounds, it has also found favour as a non-toxic radiocontrast material.