What is the student personnel point of view 1937?

January 1, 1937 The document provides a comprehensive overview of student personnel work, describes the relationship of student personnel work to other administrative and instructional functions, and demonstrates the need for intentional and empirical practice.

Who wrote the student personnel point of view 1937?

The student personnel point of view

Author: American Council on Education. Committee on Problems and Plans in Education.
Publisher: Washington, D.C. : American Council on Education, 1937.
Series: American Council on Education studies., Series I,, Reports of committees and conferences ;, no. 3.

What are college student affairs?

The field known as student affairs in higher education is made up of professionals dedicated to supporting the academic and personal development of individuals attending college or university. Other common names for this sector include student services, student success or student personnel.

What is the student learning imperative?

January 1, 1996. In response to calls for accountability to demonstrate the impact of student learning in higher education, ACPA published The Student Learning Imperative to encourage student affairs professionals to recognize their contribution to learning.

What is the role of Office of student affairs?

The Office of Student Affairs is tasked with creating and administering a variety of programs to meet the needs of all students and ensure a respectful, nurturing cultural environment.

What is the value of student affairs?

Values evident across the history of student affairs work include an acceptance and appreciation of individual differences; lifelong learning; education for effective citizenship; student responsibility; ongoing assessment of learning and performance (students’ and our own); pluralism and multiculturalism; ethical and …

What does it mean to be a student affairs professional?

People who work in student affairs provide services, programs, and resources that help students learn. and grow outside of the classroom. Some things that student affairs professionals do for students every.

What is your role as a student?

As learners, students play a crucial and active role in education. They involve and interact with students and teachers, participate in classroom discussions, and act in a receptive manner. Students spend a significant portion of their lives in schools apart from what parents teach them at home.

How can you help students academically?

The most obvious academic support might be tutoring. Effective tutoring programs provide motivation, personal individual attention, direct instruction, and error correction to increase students’ academic skills. Mentoring programs are a common source of tutoring that may also provide motivational support to students.

What is college student personnel?

What are the functional areas of student affairs?

NASPA outlines 39 functional areas of student affairs and services:

  • Aboriginal Student Services.
  • Academic advising.
  • Admissions.
  • Alumni programs.
  • Campus activities.
  • Campus safety.
  • Co-operative Education and Career Success/Services.
  • Civic learning and democratic engagement.