What is TM39 metering?

This edition of TM39 offers a cost-effective and practical approach to procuring energy metering systems. It should be used to optimise the metering strategy against cost, practicality, the value of the information gained and future energy savings.

What is metering in energy?

Net metering (or net energy metering, NEM) is an electricity billing mechanism that allows consumers who generate some or all of their own electricity to use that electricity anytime, instead of when it is generated. Net metering is an enabling policy designed to foster private investment in renewable energy.

What is a tm31 log book?

This covers how a building is intended to work and how it is meant to be maintained and serviced. They also provide a means to record the energy use and maintenance of the services within the building.

What is a TM54?

TM54 is a Technical Memorandum published by CIBSE, and addresses the growing awareness that buildings in operation do not always perform as the designers predicted. This can apply to both energy cost and emissions.

What is Cibse TM31?

CIBSE TM31 explains what sort of information the log book should contain. The CIBSE Building log book tool kit templates offer a standard format for the summary. This covers how a building is intended to work and how it is meant to be maintained and serviced.

What is a building log book?

Building Logbooks are a legal requirement in new buildings and in existing buildings where services are changed. They will improve access to information for Facilities Managers (FMs) or others responsible for managing buildings, enabling them to improve the operation of their building.

What is CIBSE TM52?

TM52 The limits of thermal comfort: Avoiding overheating in European buildings. This Technical Memorandum (TM) is about predicting overheating in buildings. It is intended to inform designers, developers and others responsible for defining the indoor environment in buildings.
