What is torogan house made of?

A torogan is elevated above the ground by columns cut from trees of huge girth. Its walls are covered with plywood sticks and the roof thatched with dried coconut leaves. There is no interior partition, so it appears as a huge hall.

What are the three types of Maranao houses?

The Maranaos have three types of house: lawig the small houses, mala-a-walai the large houses and the torogan.

Where are torogan houses usually located?

The Torogan is the ancestral house and the royal residence of the upper-class Maranao. It is commonly found in Marawi City and other areas in Lanao del Sur province. Within the sultanate, no one can have a house bigger than the Torogan, which is the dwelling place of the datu and his wives and children.

What is a Lawig house?

MARANAO: ARCHITECTURAL FEATURES  Lawigs vary in size from field huts, which are raised above ground on stilts with lean-to roofing and an outdoor cooking area.  These structures are mainly used for sleeping.  These are common household structures which have an interior hearth.

When was torogan built?

The Search for the Royal Torogan First is the Dayawan Torogan in Marawi of the late Sultan Conding. Originally built around the 1740s, it stood witness to the various episodes of battles in Lanao. The National Historical Commission of the Philippines lists it as a National Historical Landmark.

Is a wing like ornament of a torogan flaring out from the beams?

wing-like ornament of a torogan flaring out form te beams. This okir carving usually features the naga or serpent, pakorabong or stylized fern, as well as floral and star-and-bud motifs.

What makes the torogan unique?

Uniquely, the panolong is the most distinct part of the torogan. These are carved end-beams. The serpent design (niyaga) fill the front while the sides use the pako okir or the fern patterns.

What kind of art is torogan?

Kawayan Torogan
Status National Cultural Treasure
Type Traditional Maranao house
Architectural style Torogan
Address Bubung Malanding

Why did my Torogans disappear?

There are many reasons why torogans disappeared in time. Among them is the abolition of nobility titles given to any Filipino in the First Philippine Constitution in 1934. Another reason is that many of it were converted into fortresses during the failed Spanish-Moro Wars & during the conquests of the Americans.

What is the one room house of the Ifugao?

The one-room house of the Ifugao commonly know to them as fale. The exterior of the house seems to be nothing but a pyramid resting on four posts, while the interior space is enclosed by slanting walls and ceiling that appears to be spherical that are formed by the loft.

What is a wing like ornament of torogan?

Panolong. A wing like ornament of a torogan flaring out from the beams.

What do you call to a wing like ornament of a torogan flaring out from the beams?

The Panolong is a wing-like ornament of a Torogan flaring out from the beams. This okir carving usually features the naga or serpent, pakorabang or stylized fern, as well as floral and star-and-bud motifs.

What was the roof of the torogan house made out of?

Called the Marantao torogan after its town location in Lanao del Sur province, the structure retains its original all-wood materials but the roof, which used to be made of bamboo and cogon grass, has been replaced with galvanized sheets.

Are there any partitions in the torogan house?

There are no partitions inside the torogan house except for a small room called lamin with okir carvings, usually reserved for the datu’s daughter. The sarimanok, a colorful chicken design, is also a common feature at the roof of a torogan.

What makes a torogan a disaster resilient house?

The roof, walls, flooring, doors, and windows are made of bamboo tied together with rattan. Aside from the decorations that display status and wealth, the torogan may be designed to resist flood by being elevated to up to 2.21 meters from the ground using tree stumps.

Why was the torogan house built on Lake Lanao?

Ms. Dy added that the torogan house is also a good example of a disaster-resilient house because it was built to withstand earthquakes and strong winds which oftentimes occur along Lake Lanao. A torogan is built on top of up to seven large stones that are half buried, making it sturdy against floods.