What is traditional African societies?

Bantu Migrations Stateless Societies Bantu Societies did not depend on elaborate hierarchy of officials of a bureaucracy Governed through Kinship groups – extended families consisting of about 100 people. Bantu migrations also helped to spread agriculture and herding to all parts of Africa.

What is work in African traditional society?

Works among the traditional African societies included pastoralist, farmers, livestock keeping, fishing, beekeeping etc. Work was a communal affair; people would work together and assist each other. Work was not for a wage (Money). The rewards of work-included food, communal unity, acquisition of moral values etc.

What is the culture and tradition of Africa?

African Traditions are expressed through music, art, dance and sculpture… African Tradition is expressed through many different art forms, such as music, dance, art, sculpture and beadwork. These traditions are deeply ingrained into the whole African culture.

What are the features of African society?

Characteristic cultural traits— such as collective and legislative group festivals; poetry, hagiology, and historicity; and the mobilization of labor for maintenance of the irrigation system—are assembled in a configuration of great continuity (J. Berque 1955).

What traditional societies mean?

In sociology, traditional society refers to a society characterized by an orientation to the past, not the future, with a predominant role for custom and habit. Such societies are marked by a lack of distinction between family and business, with the division of labor influenced primarily by age, gender, and status.

What is traditional and modern society?

“Traditional” refers to those societies or elements of societies that are small-scale, are derived from indigenous and often ancient cultural practices. “Modern” refers to those practices that relate to the industrial mode of production or the development of large-scale often colonial societies.

What are traditional beliefs?

Traditional customs, beliefs, or methods are ones that have existed for a long time without changing.

What are the three different types of African societies?

Terms in this set (69)

  • Three types of African societies. 1) Hunter gatherers.
  • Hunter gatherers. nomadic people.
  • Stateless societies. -no central government.
  • Muslim states. -strong central government.
  • How was Islam spread in North Africa? by conquest.
  • Ghana. -started in 1000.
  • Mali. – started in 1400.
  • Sundiata. – man of war.

What were the major characteristics of African society and culture?

These peculiar traits go on to include the people’s language, dressing, music, work, arts, religion, dancing and so on. It also goes on to include a people’s social norms, taboos and values.

What are the customs and traditions of Africa?

Traditional African Customs. Africa has a multicultural society with innumerable African tribes and ethnic groups throughout the continent. One traditional custom in African culture is that of lobola, where the groom pays the father of the bride in order to compensate for the ‘loss’ of the man’s daughter.

What is the main religion in Africa?

Christianity. Most Africans are Christians,but is Christianity an African religion?

  • Islam. This is the second most popular religion in the continent.
  • Traditional African religions.
  • Hinduism.
  • Bahá’í Faith.
  • Atheism.
  • Buddhist.
  • Judaism.
  • Chinese folk.
  • Jains.
  • What is the indigenous religion of Africa?

    Indigenous African religions are by nature plural, varied, and usually informed by one’s ethnic identity, where one’s family came from in Africa. For instance, the Yoruba religion has historically been centered in southwestern Nigeria, the Zulu religion in southern Africa, and the Igbo religion in southeastern Nigeria.

    What are some cultural practices in Africa?

    African arts and crafts. Africa has a rich tradition of arts and crafts. African arts and crafts find expression in a variety of woodcarvings, brass and leather art works. African arts and crafts also include sculpture, paintings, pottery, ceremonial and religious headgear and dress.