What is US country code phone?

United States/Dialing codes

How do I make my US phone number International?

To format phone numbers in the US, Canada, and other NANP (North American Numbering Plan) countries, enclose the area code in parentheses followed by a space, and then hyphenate the three-digit exchange code with the four-digit number.

How can I get a free US phone number?

Get free US local phone number for receiving calls and text or for phone verifications From PC.

  1. Sign Up on callcentric.com/login.
  2. Fill all the fields with your information and click continue.
  3. Now verify your email and enter your own address or Get a free USA address from here: link.

What does 44 mean in a phone number?

+44 is the international code for the UK.

Which country code is 666?

International prefixes table

Country or unrecognized territory Interna- tional Calling Code Mobile Prefix
Bahrain +973 663
Bangladesh +880 13xx

What are the phone numbers in the United States?

United States: Telephones. The standard American telephone number is ten digits, such as (555) 555-1234. The first three digits are the “area code,” which, in the past, indicated in what part of the country the phone was located. At present, with the popularity of cell (mobile) phones, people in one area of the country might have phones…

How do you call to the United States?

How to call to the US using your phone. The USA country code is +1. You will add it to the beginning of any phone number you are dialing that’s in the US. When you save your American contacts to your phone, make sure to include this number as part of their phone number! Of course, don’t forget to add the area code,…

Where can I find the US country code?

To help you, we’ve made a list of all these codes, which you can find below this article. The USA country code is +1. You will add it to the beginning of any phone number you are dialing that’s in the US. When you save your American contacts to your phone, make sure to include this number as part of their phone number!

What is the international calling code for the United States?

This is a list of those country codes. 1 – United States, Canada, and several Caribbean nations share the international calling code 1, with each US state (or parts of US states), province, territory, or island nation given its own three-digit “area code”.