What is variable and invariable nouns?

A variable noun is one that can be “varied” (changed or added to). In English most nouns are varied in order to construct plurals. An example invariable noun is “sheep”, which does not change in the plural.

Is variable a noun or adjective?

The adjective variable is used to describe something that is liable to change often, such as the weather, interest rates, or your teacher’s mood.

What is another word for variable as a noun?

variablenoun. Synonyms: variable quantity, parameter, changeable, alterable, unstable, fluctuating, mutable, unsteady, flexible, varying, aberrant, fickle, inconstant, shifting. Antonyms: constant, invariable, unchangeable, unalterable, immutable, unchanging.

What is the simple meaning of variable?

1a : a quantity that may assume any one of a set of values. b : a symbol representing a variable. 2a : something that is variable. b : a factor in a scientific experiment that may be subject to change.

What is invariable noun?

Invariant nouns are nouns which have the same singular and plural form.

What is a variable with example?

A variable is any characteristics, number, or quantity that can be measured or counted. A variable may also be called a data item. Age, sex, business income and expenses, country of birth, capital expenditure, class grades, eye colour and vehicle type are examples of variables.

What is variable in your own words?

The definition of a variable is something that can change, or is a quantity in an equation that can change its value. Variable is defined as something inconsistent or able to change.

What is variable in C language?

A variable is nothing but a name given to a storage area that our programs can manipulate. Each variable in C has a specific type, which determines the size and layout of the variable’s memory; the range of values that can be stored within that memory; and the set of operations that can be applied to the variable.

What is variable definition and example?

The definition of a variable is something that can change, or is a quantity in an equation that can change its value. In the equation 2x+3 > 0, x is an example of a variable.

What is variable example?

What is the meaning invulnerable?

1 : incapable of being wounded, injured, or harmed. 2 : immune to or proof against attack : impregnable.

What does define a variable mean?

Variable(noun) a quantity which may increase or decrease; a quantity which admits of an infinite number of values in the same expression; a variable quantity; as, in the equation x2 – y2 = R2, x and y are variables. Variable(noun) a shifting wind, or one that varies in force.

What is the meaning of variable?

variable – something that is likely to vary; something that is subject to variation; “the weather is one variable to be considered” thing – a separate and self-contained entity quantity – the concept that something has a magnitude and can be represented in mathematical expressions by a constant or a variable

What is an antonym for variable?

variable(adj) a symbol (like x or y) that is used in mathematical or logical expressions to represent a variable quantity. Antonyms: invariant, hard-and-fast, unvarying, changeless, unvaried, invariable, unadaptable, constant, strict. Synonyms:

What is variable description?

Variable definition. A variable is a quantity that may change within the context of a mathematical problem or experiment.