What is vatika oil?

Dabur Vatika is a premium coconut hair oil enriched with henna, amla, lemon, and six other trusted herbs. Vatika’s unique natural formulation ensures deeper oil penetration to give your hair and scalp complete nourishment for problem-free, healthy hair.

Is hair cream good for hair?

Hair creams can be used before and after shampoo. If you are applying it before shampoo, use it like any other oil, the cream strengthens the roots, conditions the hair, prevents hair fall and also promotes hair growth.

Is Vatika oil free chemical?

I’m natural/chemical-free, but have used this before when I’ve been both relaxed and texlaxed and the results were consistent. I think it works for all hair types – its just enriched coconut oil.

Does hair cream cause baldness?

“No – no everyday hair products are known to damage hair or exacerbate hair loss. The misconception that styling products cause thinning hair may be due to the fact that overloading the hair with certain formulas, particularly gel or wax, can make the hair look greasy.

Are hair creams bad for hair?

When you use styling products every day, they start to build up – and washing your hair doesn’t always get rid of it. It can also damage your hair and scalp in more extreme cases. Like anything on your scalp, styling products will break down over time, and some of these by-products could cause irritation.

What are the benefits of Vatika oil?

Vatika Hair Oil is Clinically Proven to reduce 50% Hairfall in Just 4 weeks*. The goodness of its Natural Ayurvedic Herbs also help in Hair Growth. They also help in strengthening Hair from Root to Tip and help in maintaining the Natural Colour of your Hair. So give your Hair the Nourishment they deserve.

Is Clay bad for your hair?

Clay has properties that are naturally healing and stimulating of the hair shaft and scalp (making it good for men with sensitive skin and scalp) and promotes hair growth. It nourishes the hair and scalp because it’s rich in mineral and nutrients.