What language is muito legal?

muito legal – Translation from Portuguese into English | PONS.

What is muito mean?

1) When muito means “very” it does not vary. Check out these examples: Ana é muito bonita = Ana is very beautiful.

What language is muito?

English Translation of “muito” | Collins Portuguese-English Dictionary.

What Linda mean in English?

noun. a female given name: from a Spanish word meaning “pretty.”

How do you use muito?

How to use Muito in Portuguese

  1. If the word muito is followed by an adjective, then the word does not vary. If it is followed by a noun, then it will change.
  2. When you are talking about degree (when the translation is very) never change the word.

How can I translate an Android app to English?

How to Use Google Translate in Any App on Android

  1. Download Google Translate from the Play Store or update your copy to the latest version.
  2. Launch Google Translate. Tap on the Hamburger icon for the menu and click on Settings.
  3. Select Tap to Translate.

How can I translate another language into English?

Translate Speech Tap the microphone icon at the top of the screen and speak your word or phrase into the app. Google Translate then translates your words in the target language. Tap the Speaker icon to hear the translation. Another option is to tap the Transcribe icon, then start speaking.

What bonbon means in Spanish?

Español. bonbon n. from French (filled chocolate sweet) bombón nm.

What Amanda means?

worthy of love
Amanda is a Latin name meaning “loveable” or “worthy of love.” The name was first recorded in 1212 in Warwickshire, England. Origin: Amanda is a Latin name meaning “loveable” or “worthy of love.” Gender: Amanda is often used as a girl’s name. The masculine version, Amandus, is typically used for boys.