What N-P-K is good for lawns?

Recommended ratios of N-P-K for lawn fertilizers include 3:1:2 or 4:1:2. Another important factor in choosing nitrogen fertilizers is what kind of nitrogen is actually in the product. Nitrogen fertilizer may consist of fast-release or controlled-release nitrogen.

Is N-P-K fertilizer good for lawns?

Knowing why NPK is important for your lawn will help you to understand how you are helping your lawn when you fertilise. It is the job of lawn fertilisers to keep this in balance and help provide the nutrients that your lawn is lacking.

What does N-P-K do for lawns?

It helps regulate root and top growth and keeps plants healthy and balanced. This affects all aspects of lawn and garden well-being, from cold and drought tolerance to disease and pest resistance.

How often should I fertilize my lawn?

A full feeding is recommended at least 5-6 times per year. You want to feed your lawn when it’s growing most rapidly. However, you should base the frequency on your climate and the type of grass you have. For example, cool season grasses can be fertilized in late spring, but only if necessary.

How much NPK do I need for my lawn?

Two pounds of nitrogen per 1,000 square feet* is recommended, and your fertilizer contains 20% nitrogen. You should apply 10 pounds of the fertilizer per 1,000 square feet (five pounds from the table multiplied by the two pound recommendation).

How do you read NPK ratios?

The three numbers that you see on a fertilizer label, such as 5-5-5, tell you what proportion of each macronutrient the fertilizer contains. The first number is always nitrogen (N), the second is phosphorus (P) and the third is potassium (K). This “N-P-K” ratio reflects the available nutrients?

What happens if I fertilize too early?

If you are going to fertilize your lawn, do not do it too early in the season. The best time for that first application is late spring, just as the green grass is beginning to grow eagerly. If you apply fertilizer too early, it will divert the plant’s energy into leaf development too soon.

Do you water lawn after fertilizing?

Fertilizer and Water After grass dries, apply fertilizer. Then lightly water again. This second watering is vitally important, because it washes fertilizer off grass blades and into soil. You can also time fertilizer application between rainfalls to let rain wash fertilizer into soil.