What photos should I submit to a modeling agency?

With our modelling application we need to see at least two clear, basic shots – a close-up head shot, and a full-length body shot in front of a white background. Alongside this, you can also submit up to two further shots – for example, a half-body shot or a full-length profile (side view) if you’d like.

How many pictures should you send to a modeling agency?

Keep in mind, agencies want to see a natural, clean representation of you, so the most you can submit is one or two photos.

What kind of photos do I need for a modeling portfolio?

What kinds of pictures do I need in my modeling portfolio? Your portfolio needs a variety of shots, including headshots and full length photos, as well as three quarter length and full length images. You should have a good balance of shots done in the studio as well as shots done on location in natural lighting.

How can I impress a modeling agency?

How to make a GREAT first impression with a modeling agency

  1. Don’t contact a modeling agency by email unless their web site specifically requests you to do so.
  2. Do your due diligence.
  3. Don’t be on time – Be early – 15 minutes early.
  4. You should dress simply in solid colored clothing.
  5. Never wear jewelry.

What do modeling scouts look for?

Scouts are looking for physical requirements like height (between 5’8″- 5’11” for girls, and 6′-6’2″ for guys), age (14-21) and healthy skin and hair, but a good scout also looks for someone who stands out from the crowd.

What do modeling agencies look for in female models?

For runway models to even be considered by an agency, they must stand, preferably, 5’9 or taller, with a petite build. A striking facial structure is also sought, however overall success in the runway modeling depends on maintaining an excellent complexion, as well as a thin well-proportioned figure.

What do scouts look for in models?

What are model scouts looking for? Tall, fresh-faced, natural beauties with great personalities. We want to see young women as they are in real life. There is no need to hide behind make-up or worry about wearing the perfect outfit.

Do modeling agencies look at Instagram?

Modeling agencies are searching for natural talent, and they should be able to get an insight into your personality and image when on your Instagram, so make sure to upload content that reflects who you are. She is a successful model and just a wonderful person.

How to submit photos to a modeling agency by email?

Keep the photos in color and avoid black and white as well as sepia. Your photos should be simple and shot against a plain white background. No “Myspace” type photos with fish-face lips, odd angles or hair in your face. Have someone take the photo for you and look directly into the camera.

How to become a model for cast images?

One full length photo (in a swimsuit or fitted clothing – for kids no swimsuits please.) If you do not have a resume, please upload an additional photo. Please make one of these photos smiling so we can see your teeth. All photos should be natural and friendly, clear and in focus, of you alone, and without hats or sunglasses.

How to submit a photo for cast images?

Please make one of these photos smiling so we can see your teeth. All photos should be natural and friendly, clear and in focus, of you alone, and without hats or sunglasses. Please do not spend any money on professional pictures if you do not already have them – we love to see clean phone or digital camera photos.

How to send an email to an agency?

When sending your submission to an agency via email, make sure your email address is a professional one. [email protected] is not professional. Open a new email account if you have to and try to keep it simple. Your first name or first and last name in your email address is ideal.