What should a diary entry include ks2?

Put the most effective features at the top and the least effective features at the bottom.

  • First person.
  • Past tense.
  • Paragraphs.
  • Observations, thoughts and feelings.
  • Date and introduction for each entry.
  • Chronological order.
  • Detail and description.
  • Emotive language.

What are the 5 parts of diary?

Terms in this set (7)

  • Diary. Daily record of a writers thoughts expierences and feelings.
  • Heading. Date on which the diary entry is made.
  • Interference. Logical guess based on information from the text.
  • First – person point of view.
  • Simile.
  • Ellipse.
  • Personification.

What needs to be in a diary entry?

Diary entries are a collection of pages in a diary. The diary entries are usually organized according to the date and time of when it was written. Depending on the diary types, each entry holds contents ranging from thoughts, emotions, reflections, dreams and so on.

What should a diary entry include ks3?

Here’s a checklist of the key features to use when you write a diary entry.

  1. Start with ‘Dear Diary’.
  2. Describe the places where the events happened.
  3. Write in the past tense.
  4. Use pronouns like I, my and me to show that the events happened to you.

What are the three features of a diary entry?

What are the key features of a diary entry? A diary entry is written in an informal style, uses chatty language and opinions as well as facts. Diaries include rhetorical questions, exclamations and first-person pronouns.

How many parts are in a diary entry?

in a diary entry, we write our feelings and incidence that happened with us. so we should write as many paragraphs as we want on the basis of how many things we want to write. it can be upto 2-3 paragraphs.

How do you teach a child diary entry?


  1. Start with ‘Dear Diary’.
  2. Describe the places where the events happened.
  3. Write in the past tense.
  4. Use pronouns like I, my and me to show that the events happened to you.
  5. Talk about how you were feeling or what you were thinking when each event happened.
  6. Use interesting vocabulary.

What is a diary entry ks1?

A diary is a personal record of thoughts, feelings and events. Usually, it is arranged in chronological order. This is the order in which the things you’re writing about actually happened.

How do you write a school diary entry class 9?


  1. A diary entry is personalized so write in first person.
  2. At times you may leave out the pronoun ‘I’.
  3. Refer to personal memories and give details.
  4. Use conversational and friendly language.
  5. Refer to parents, friends, etc.
  6. Stress on feelings, emotions, reactions rather than on the event itself.

Can you write a diary entry in KS2?

Diary writing in KS2 is a fantastic way for children to explore non-fiction, personal and informal writing styles in the classroom or as a fun homework task.

Why do you need a diary writing checklist?

This Diary Writing Checklist supports your child’s development and encourages them to self-assess their own work, all while learning about the key features of diary writing. After your child has written a diary entry, you could go through this checklist with them and highlight where they’ve used the key features of diary writing in their own work.

What do I need to write a diary in lks2?

This differentiated pack contains all of the diary writing tools you need in LKS2, including success criteria, self/peer assessment checklists, diary examples and a diary writing PowerPoint. For more LKS2 resources for writing a diary, take a look at some of our other favourites:

What are the features of a diary entry?

What are the key features of a diary entry? A diary entry is written in an informal style, uses chatty language and opinions as well as facts. Diaries include rhetorical questions, exclamations and first-person pronouns. Most diary writing sound quite conversational and may contain informal words or phrases.