What size are motorcycle flags?

USA Motorcycle Flag Choose from two sizes: 6″x9″ or 10″x15″ (sizes are approximate). This is a replacement flag for a PPI stainless steel motorcycle flag mount.

Where do you mount a motorcycle flag?

On motorcycles, the flag must be mounted at the center on the rear of the bike or to the right from the rider’s perspective when driving forward, which is referred to as the “marching right.” When flown adjacent to a state flag or another type of flag, the American flag should take the marching right position.

What does a flag on a motorcycle mean?

Yellow Flag: Standing (held stationary with free hand) indicates hazardous condition or slow-moving motorcycle on track. Waved indicates hazard of a serious nature on track; no passing allowed. Debris Flag (ten horizontal stripes, red and yellow): Standing indicates debris on the track. Red Flag: Always waved.

Is it illegal to fly a flag on your truck?

In most cases, there is nothing illegal about these flags and they are easily found in several locations attached to personal vehicles. Most commonly these flags are mounted to the beds of trucks or just above a vehicle’s doors and do not pose a safety issue.

What does a tattered American flag mean?

The meaning behind the torn and tattered American flags of February 2021. So these flags that are flying like that have been intentionally damaged, to show defiance. They have been taken down and intentionally shredded. It’s the kind of defiance that any enemy of a country shows.

What does waving a yellow flag mean?

Great danger, slow down
Waving Yellow – (One waving yellow flag) Rule / Meaning: Great danger, slow down, be prepared to stop – NO PASSING from the flag until past the emergency area. Proper Use: The waving yellow flag tells the drivers that there is an obstruction on the racing surface.

What side does the American flag go on a motorcycle vest?

If displaying only the American Flag it should either go in the center of the back of the bike or offset to the right (front & rear brake side).

What does an upside-down flag mean?

According to U.S. Flag Code, the flag should never be displayed upside-down “except as a signal of dire distress in instances of extreme danger to life or property.”

Can a flag be mounted on a motorcycle?

There’s nothing more patriotic than a big, beefy motorcycle rumbling down the highway with the Stars & Stripes flowing behind it. You want to make sure your flag stays securely and properly mounted on your bike even in high winds, so we carry a full selection of flag mounts and holders to fit your bike.

Who is the leader in motorcycle flag mounts?

Not only that, but we have them all in-stock and ready to ship to you today. Dennis Kirk has been the leader in the powersports industry since 1969, so you can rest assured that we have your back when it comes to bringing you the best Flag Mounts for your Motorcycle.

What kind of steel is used for flag mounts?

PPI solid, polished stainless steel motorcycle flag mounts are Made in the USA. No more worries about rust, tarnish or peeling chrome. Check out the PPI flag mount Product Review from Baggers Magazine.