What size should my pocket squares be?

Generally pocket squares range from 10 x 10 inches to 17 x 17 inches. We recommend staying on the larger end. Create a hem by folding one side in about ΒΌ inch and ironing it in place. Then make a second fold and iron it to cover up the frayed edges.

Can you wear pocket square in shirt?

You can always wear pocket squares with suits or sports jackets, from the most formal to a casual occasion. However, never add a pocket square to an overcoat, coat or shirt as this will look out of place.

Can you wear pocket square without tie?

A nice watch, lapel pin, and/or a pocket square will do the trick. A white, square-folded pocket square may be a bit too formal for wearing with a tieless get-up; consider a colored or patterned pocket square, tucked in with the puff fold (click here to learn the different pocket square folds).

What is the purpose of a pocket square?

A pocket square is a simple way to add a touch of flair to a jacket, and is primary used to elevate your look to give you a more stylish appearance.

Should pocket squares match anything?

Your pocket square should not match your tie. Rather, it should complement a color found on your tie, or contrast your tie altogether. If you’re not wearing a tie, the rule still applies. Either complement your other accessories with the color of your pocket square or go for the contrast.

Should pocket squares and ties match?

There’s no steadfast rule for choosing a pocket square. It should simply complement your shirt and tie, not match them. If it looks right and feels right, walk out the door.

How do you put a square in your pocket?

Begin with the square lying flat in a diamond shape. Fold the bottom point up at a slight angle so that it ends up in line about an inch beside the top point. Crease both side points over and smooth the square before placing it in your pocket. You should end up with two identical peaks side by side.

Which is better linen or cotton pocket squares?

Linen pocket squares look smarter than cotton pocket squares, and can be worn with both formal jackets, casual looks. The matte aspect of linen pairs well with silk ties, as well as wool ties.

Which is the best colour for a pocket square?

This is one of the simplest combinations, where any two colours on opposite sides of the colour wheel create a high contrast. Usually one colour forms the base, while its contrasting colour provides the accent. Taking a classic navy jacket, any pocket square with a shade of yellow will always look striking.

Do you have to wear a pocket square with a suit?

Suit Pocket Squares As a general rule of thumb, there are no distinct pocket square rules for a when pairing your pocket square with a suit relative to wearing a sports jacket or blazer. However, there are a couple of things to keep in mind.