What STD code is 01252?

💡 01252 is the area code for Aldershot and the surrounding area. The UK telephone numbers from Aldershot have this format : (01252) ###### within the 5 digit geographical dialling code 01252 (including the zero) are 11 digits long.

Where is 01202 The dialing code for?

Dialling the 01202 area code in Bournemouth, Poole and Christchurch. People living in Bournemouth, Poole and Christchurch will soon have to dial the 01202 area code to make a local call, Ofcom confirmed today.

What telephone code is 01256?

01256 Area Code (Dialling Code) 💡 01256 is the area code for Basingstoke and the surrounding area.

What area code is 01483 in UK?

01483 Area Code (Dialling Code) 💡 01483 is the area code for Guildford and the surrounding area.

What area code is 01525 in UK?

01525 Area Code (Dialling Code) 💡 01525 is the area code for Leighton Buzzard and the surrounding area. The UK telephone numbers from Leighton Buzzard have this format : (01525) ###### within the 5 digit geographical dialling code 01525 (including the zero) are 11 digits long.

Who called 01254 732000?

01254 732000 is the generic number used in identifying Numbers from East Lancashire Hospitals NHS Trust and Royal Blackburn, Burnley General Accrington and Clitheroe Hospitals You can’t call this number back as it is for outgoing calls only but your appointment card/letter should have the relevant contact numbers on.

Is a 01202 number free?

Cost of calling 01202 (Bournemouth) phone numbers Calls made to 01202 phone numbers are charged at the same per minute rate as all other calls to 01 or 02 local numbers. Therefore calls will generally cost around 12p per minute maximum, as well as a standard call set-up charge.

What are 01255 numbers?

01255 Area Code (Dialling Code) 💡 01255 is the area code for Clacton-on-Sea and the surrounding area. The UK telephone numbers from Clacton-on-Sea have this format : (01255) ###### within the 5 digit geographical dialling code 01255 (including the zero) are 11 digits long.

What is the phone code for Basingstoke?

01256 Area Code The location for 01256 is Basingstoke, UK. The 01256 area code will allow you to make calls to Basingstoke from wherever in the world you are.

Who is the Chief Strategy Officer of proactive MD?

Jon Hernandez serves as Chief Strategy Officer of Proactive MD. Jon is passionate about delivering world-class care to patients and employers. He is continually working to expand Proactive MD’s network and healthcare service offerings through strategic partnerships, mergers, and acquisitions.

Where is the proactive group in Brampton located?

10 Sun Pac Blvd. Brampton, ON L6S 4R5, CANADA E: [email protected] P: 416.798.3303 Proactive Group USA Inc. 4300 N Sam Houston Pkwy W.

What can proactive group do for your business?

If our clients are shipping bulk, industrial or consumer products, Proactive Group and our supply chain enable the transport of industrial goods safely and securely, helping them remain leaders in their industry.

Where is proactive specialized logistics in Mississauga located?

Proactive Specialized Logistics Inc. 3909 Nashua Dr., Units 4-9 Mississauga, ON L4V 1R3, CANADA E: [email protected] P: 416.798.3303 Proactive Transportation Inc. 10 Sun Pac Blvd. Brampton, ON L6S 4R5, CANADA E: [email protected] P: 416.798.3303 Proactive Group USA Inc.