What type of language is used in The Importance of Being Earnest?

The Importance of Being Earnest
Place premiered St James’s Theatre, London, England
Original language English
Genre Comedy, farce
Setting London and an estate in Hertfordshire

What is ironic about Lady Bracknell saying to speak frankly?

This is an example of authorial verbal irony because she’s not aware of what’s she’s saying. What is ironic about Lady Bracknell saying, “To speak frankly, I am not in favor of long engagements. They give people the opportunity of finding out each other’s character before marriage, which I think is never advisable” (p.

Is Lady Bracknell a static character?

Based of possibility to change, Lady Bracknell belongs to Dynamic Character because at the beginning she reject Jack that want to marry her daughter but at the end of the story when Miss Prism tell about the story, she accepted Jack to marry her daughter.

How does Lady Bracknell satirize the upper class?

Lady Bracknell possesses the moral ambiguity evident in several members of the upper class in the play. In this way, she satirizes the upper class’s propensity towards immoral behavior and a rather hypocritical pair of beliefs that doing bad is the only way to feel good and doing good will not have the same effect.

How is hyperbole used in The Importance of Being Earnest?

Wilde further uses hyperbole when Algernon tells Lady Bracknell that he will be unable to attend dinner because of his invalid friend “Mr. Bunbury”. Lady Bracknell replies with “Algernon, I think it is high time that Mr. Bunbury made up his mind whether he was going to live or die.

What Victorian social code is reflected in Lady Bracknell?

the belief that engagements and marriages should follow social rules.” This is the Victorian social code that is reflected in Lady Bracknell’s disapproval of the number of engagements.

What does this passage most clearly convey about Lady Bracknell?

What does this passage most clearly convey about Lady Bracknell? She believes strongly in the importance of rules. What does this passage convey about Lady Bracknell’s values? She believes that wealth makes someone more desirable.

What is something another character says about Lady Bracknell that illustrates her character?

Lady Bracknell is first and foremost a symbol of Victorian earnestness and the unhappiness it brings as a result. She is powerful, arrogant, ruthless to the extreme, conservative, and proper. In many ways, she represents Wilde’s opinion of Victorian upper-class negativity, conservative and repressive values, and power.

What kind of character is Lady Bracknell?

How would you describe Lady Bracknell What stereotypes does she represent?

What stereotypes does she represent? Lady Bracknell is very imperious. She has a strong presence and strong opinions about almost every- thing. She is the epitome of the domineering mother-in-law and the priggish society maven.

What traits does Lady Bracknell show in this?

In what way does Lady Bracknell satirize the educational system of England?

Lady Bracknell is the main character to portray this satirical technique, as she believes the upper class to be much more educated than the lower class, purely because of social status. If it did, it would prove a serious danger to the upper classes, and probably lead to acts of violence in Grosvenor Square.” [p.

Why was Lady Augusta Bracknell important to Wilde?

Lady Bracknell is first and foremost a symbol of Victorian earnestness and the unhappiness it brings as a result. She is powerful, arrogant, ruthless to the extreme, conservative, and proper. In many ways, she represents Wilde’s opinion of Victorian upper-class negativity, conservative and repressive values,…

How is Lady Bracknell a symbol of earnestness?

Lady Bracknell is first and foremost a symbol of Victorian earnestness and the unhappiness it brings as a result. She is powerful, arrogant, ruthless to the extreme, conservative, and proper.

Who is Lady Bracknell in comedy of manners?

A stock character from the comedy of manners is the older woman who wields power, but is regarded by the audience (if not the other characters) as comic because her days of sexual attractiveness are over. This is Lady Bracknell’s role.

Who is Lady Bracknell in Lord of flies?

Lady Bracknell is the total antagonist of the play. She is Gwendolen’s mother. Also, she is Algernon’s aunt who is described as snobbish, mercenary and domineering.