What was found at Sanxingdui?

Much of what is known about Sanxingdui civilization comes from two pits dating to around the time of its disappearance. The pits contained hundreds of jade, bronze, and ivory objects that had been ritually broken or burned and then buried, and their discovery in 1986 shook up the world of Chinese archaeology.

What happened to Sanxingdui?

The Sanxingdui culture left no written record or human remains and appears to have existed for only about 500 years before it vanished. Organized by the Bowers Museum, Santa Ana, the Houston Museum of Natural Science and the Cultural Relics Bureau of Sichuan Province, Peoples Republic of China.

How old is Sanxingdui?

First discovered in 1929, the Sanxingdui Ruins site, which dates back to the Bronze Age over 3,000 years ago, has been the source of one pleasant surprise after another following decades of digging and archaeological research.

When did the Sanxingdui culture exist?

The second millennium BC was the millennium of the Sanxingdui culture (ca. 1900 – 1150 BC), which absorbed the Shang Bronze tradition but developed into a very characteristic local culture (Sun Hua 2000: 102109; Zhu Zhangyi et al 2002: 12).

Where was the king Cancong mask found?

It might be a way for Ancient Shu people to memorialize their ancestors or gods. This mask is the biggest one found in Sanxingdui. Its protruding eyes are considered as the symbol of ‘Can Cong’, the first group of leaders in Ancient Shu.

Who is Cancong?

Can Cong 蠶叢, also called Qingyishen 青衣神”God of the Bluegreen Clothes” was an ancient ruler of the kingdom of Shu 蜀in the region of modern Sichuan. He was the first of his dynasty and ruled during a time when the people of that region did not yet a script nor “rituals and music” (liyue 禮樂).

What is Sanxingdui back to the lost civilization of 3000 years ago?

Hailed as one of the most important ancient remains found in the 20th century, the 3,000-year-old Sanxingdui in southwest China’s Sichuan Province is a treasure house buried with a trove of pottery, jade, bronze and gold wares.

What is the Chinese concept of the Mandate of Heaven?

tianming, Wade-Giles romanization t’ien ming (Chinese: “mandate of heaven”), in Chinese Confucian thought, the notion that heaven (tian) conferred directly upon an emperor, the son of heaven (tianzi), the right to rule. The doctrine had its beginnings in the early Zhou dynasty (c. 1046–256 bce).

Is Shu Han China?

Trivia. Shu Han is based on Mongolia and China. The name is taken from one of the Chinese states of the Three Kingdoms period.

Who founded the state of Shu?

Liu Bei (AD 161-223), is a warlord in the late Eastern Han Dynasty (AD 25-220) who founded the Shu Kingdom in the Three Kingdoms period (AD 220-280) and became its first ruler.

What kind of objects are found in Sanxingdui?

Tables, masks, and belts were some of the objects found made out of gold, while objects made out of jade included axes, tablets, rings, knives, and tubes. There was also a large amount of ivory and clamshells.

How did the Sanxingdui culture come to an end?

The Sanxingdui culture ended, possibly either as a result of natural disasters (evidence of massive flooding were found), or invasion by a different culture. The culture was governed by a strong central theocracy with trade links to bronze from Yin and ivory from Southeast Asia.

When was the site of the Sanxingdui discovered?

Largely discovered in 1986, following a preliminary finding in 1927, archaeologists excavated remarkable artifacts that radiocarbon dating placed in the 12th–11th centuries BC. The type site for the Sanxingdui culture that produced these artifacts, archeologists have identified the locale with the ancient kingdom of Shu.

What was the sacrificial altar of the Sanxingdui?

A sacrificial altar with several four-legged animals at the base to support a few bronze figures closely resembling the large face masks, each holding in outstretched hands a ceremonial offering of some sort. All the Sanxingdui discoveries aroused scholarly interest, but the bronzes were what excited the world.