What was found under the Pyramid of the Sun in 1971?

In 1971, an archaeological team discovered a tunnel underneath the pyramid, its entrance located near the Avenue of the Dead. They dug out the fill in the tunnel finding that it terminated in a cloverleaf shaped chamber which, sadly, had been looted in antiquity. The cave was likely used for rituals of some kind.

Who was the Pyramid of the Moon built for?

Great Goddess of Teotihuacan
The Pyramid is believed to have been used as a ritual temple built to worship the Great Goddess of Teotihuacan who served as a deity of water, fertility, and creation. The Avenue of the Dead being the first thing spectators see runs straight through the city and ends at the Pyramid of the Moon.

What are the pyramids of the sun and moon?

The Pyramids of the Sun and the Moon, echoing the shape of the mountains surrounding the valley, served as focal points for Teotihuacan’s urban layout. One of the most significant tombs yet discovered at Teotihuacan, it might indicate that even more important tombs lie buried at the heart of the pyramid.

Can you go inside the Pyramid of the Moon?

Teotihuacán closed for several months in 2020 but is now open to visitors once again, with only limited restrictions introduced that help keep visitors safe. Temple of the Moon with the ceremonial plaza in front of it, taken from the top of the Temple of the Sun.

Who built Mexico pyramids?

Aztec Pyramids The Aztecs, who lived in the Mexican valley between the 12th and 16th centuries, also built pyramids in order to house and honor their deities.

What’s inside the pyramids of Mexico?

Further excavations revealed that it had nine platforms, a single stairway, and a temple containing human remains, a jade-studded jaguar throne, and a so-called Chac Mool. The Chac Mool is a type of Maya sculpture of an abstract male figure reclining and holding a bowl used as a receptacle for sacrifices.

What is the Pyramid of the Moon used for?

The Pyramid of the Moon: The Pyramid of the Moon is located at the northern end of the Avenue of the Dead. The pyramid was used for ritual sacrifices of humans and animals. It was also a burial ground for sacrificial victims. Ceremonies were believed to have been held there as well.

In what city is the Pyramid of the Moon?

city of Teotihuacan
The Pyramid of the Moon is the second largest pyramid in modern-day San Juan Teotihuacán, Mexico, after the Pyramid of the Sun. It is located in the western part of the ancient city of Teotihuacan and mimics the contours of the mountain Cerro Gordo, just north of the site.

What was the Pyramid of the Moon used for?

The Pyramid of the Moon is located at the northern end of the Avenue of the Dead. The pyramid was used for ritual sacrifices of humans and animals. It was also a burial ground for sacrificial victims. Ceremonies were believed to have been held there as well.

Where is the oldest pyramid on Earth?

The oldest pyramid in the world is found in Java, Indonesia Gunung Padang is located on the Indonesian island of Java and has been discovered fairly recently by a team of independent international researchers led by Indonesian geologist Dr. Danny Hilman Natawidjaja.

Why do people keep finding pyramids on the Moon?

Of course, the fringe ideas on these images say that this is evidence that aliens have built structures on our moon, and that these pyramids are perhaps connected to the ones we can find on Earth.

Is the pyramid on the Moon real or fake?

A grainy image allegedly shows a pyramid on the moon, snapped by one of the Apollo 17 astronauts in 1972. Is this real or fake? The photo is real, but there a simple explanation, which does not involve pyramids on the moon.

When was the last mission to the Moon?

Apollo 17 was a 12-day mission to the moon in December 1972. It had a crew of three, and was the last mission of the Apollo program. All of the images shot during Apollo 17 are online in the Apollo Image Library hosted by NASA.

What did Apollo 17 do on the Moon?

During their time on the moon, the Apollo 17 crew carried out their mission on the surface with the aid of a rover near a place called Geophone Rock. They took numerous photos of the moon’s surface during their dangerous mission, and one of them shows what appears to be an artificial structure looming in the distance.