What was the purpose of the clergymen letter to MLK?

The answer is D, the purpose of Martin Luther King in writing “Letter from Birmingham Jail was to “defend his methods against criticisms from the clergy”. Martin Luther King Wrote the letter to a group of white clergy that were questioning the activities that MLK Jr was doing in Birmingham, Alabama.

What is the main point of the letter from Birmingham jail?

It says that people have a moral responsibility to break unjust laws and to take direct action rather than waiting potentially forever for justice to come through the courts. Responding to being referred to as an “outsider”, King writes: “Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.”

What are the clergymen arguing in the first paragraph?

In the first paragraph, MLK addresses the clergyman’s words concerning the timing of the movement being “unwise and untimely”, stating that he didn’t have to take the time to answer the clergyman’s questions, but because he respects them, he will answer their letter.

What was the name of the appeal that the clergymen issued?

We clergymen are among those who, in January, issued “an Appeal for Law and Order and Common Sense,” in dealing with racial problems in Alabama.

What were the main points made by the 8 Alabama clergymen?

The clergymen make four specific accusations: (1) King is an outsider; (2) he and his followers should negotiate for change rather than demonstrate; (3) their actions are “untimely”; and (4) there is no justification for breaking the law.

What was the Birmingham truce agreement?

The settlement, known as the Birmingham truce agreement consisted in: Desegregation of lunch counters, fitting rooms, restrooms and drinking fountains in all downtown stores within 90 days. Hiring of blacks in clerical and sales positions within 60 days.

What is the tone of the Letter from Birmingham Jail?

The Tone (2/6) The tone from paragraphs 1 and 2 can be best described as reflective and calm. Martin Luther King accepts the statements the white clergymen have said and works in a calm manner to address them.

What role do you think that the author had in the 1963 Birmingham Movement?

1. What role do you think that the author had in the 1963 Birmingham movement? King wrote the letter in response to clergymen who were concerned about the appropriateness of civil rights demonstrations. …

What metaphors are used in I Have a Dream Speech?

By far the most common metaphors used in the speech are those of nature. Dr. King uses metaphors of mountains, valleys, deserts, oases, stones, solid rocks, quicksand, islands, oceans, waters, streams, wind, whirlwinds, and storms.

What did the Birmingham campaign lead to?

It burnished King’s reputation, ousted Connor from his job, forced desegregation in Birmingham, and directly paved the way for the Civil Rights Act of 1964 which prohibited racial discrimination in hiring practices and public services throughout the United States.