What was the role of the Filles du Roi?

The Filles du roi, or King’s Daughters, were some 768 women who arrived in the colony of New France (Canada) between 1663 and 1673, under the financial sponsorship of King Louis XIV of France. The Filles du roi were part of King Louis XIV’s program to promote the settlement of his colony in Canada.

How did the Filles du Roi make money?

Between 1667 and 1672, many women (41%) were given a royal dowry of 50 livres tournois (pounds) in addition to their trousseau. Some received even higher amounts (100 or 200 pounds). In years of financial hardship, the dowry of 50 pounds was replaced with provisions from the king’s storehouses in the colony.

What did the king give to the Filles du Roi?

As a fille du roi, a woman received the king’s support in several ways. The king paid one hundred livres to the French East India Company for each woman’s crossing, as well as furnishing her trousseau.

What were the ideal requirements for the Filles du Roi?

Between 1663-1673, about 768 young women became Filles du Roi and made the journey to Canada. The King paid for their travel, new clothing, and a dowry upon marriage. To be a King’s Daughter, one must be young, healthy, moral (some had to provide a letter of reference from their priest), hardy, and able to work.

Did the Filles du Roi have a choice?

One advantage that the filles du roi had was a choice in who they married. In 17th-century France, this certainly would not be the norm – arranged marriages were. Given the gender imbalance in the colony, these young women could essentially choose their husbands. And they did – quickly.

What did the Filles du Roi do in New France?

The Filles du Roi, or King’s Daughters, had one mission: populate the colony of New France. From 1663 to 1673, these 800 or so women were shipped from France under the financial sponsorship of King Louis XIV to find male suitors and start families in one of the nation’s most geographically significant colonies.

How long did it take for the filles du roi get to New France?

From 1663 to 1673, some 800 young women came to New France at the King’s expense, to marry and start families. Within six months of landing in the port of Québec, 80 percent of them were married.

Who is known as the Father of New France?

Samuel de Champlain
Why is Samuel de Champlain significant? He was key to French expansion in the New World. Known as the “Father of New France,” Champlain founded Quebec (1608), one of the oldest cities in what is now Canada, and consolidated French colonies.

How long did it take for the Filles du Roi get to New France?

How many soldiers died in the Battle of the Plains of Abraham?

The Battle of the Plains of Abraham (13 September 1759), also known as the Battle of Quebec, was a pivotal moment in theSeven Years’ Warand in the history of Canada….

Battle of the Plains of Abraham
Date 13 September 1759
Casualties 658 British 650 French

Where is Samuel de Champlain buried?

His remains, buried under the Champlain chapel which adjoined Notre-Dame-de-la-Recouvrance, may today lie under the cathedral basilica, Notre-Dame de Québec.

How did Les Filles du Roi get their money?

The Royal treasury provided the necessary funds and it was fully supported by the King of France. Thus, these recruits came to be called “les filles du roi” – the King’s daughters. A number of those recruited also had money and property of their own, as much as 3,000 pounds, received as an inheritance from their deceased parents.

How many Filles du Roi were married in New France?

While the marriage banns customarily were to be published three times before a wedding could take place, the colony’s need for women to marry quickly led to few filles du roi having marriage banns announced. It is known that 737 of these filles du roi were married in New France.

Who are the king’s daughters of New France?

Research by the historical demographer Yves Landry determines that there were in total about 770 to 850 filles du roi who settled in New France between 1663 and 1673. The title “King’s Daughters” was meant to imply state patronage, not royal or noble parentage; most of the women recruited were commoners of humble birth.

Where was the fille du Roi restaurant named?

The filles du roi became the founding mothers of French Canadians, for whom these women are a source of historical pride. A grand old restaurant in Montreal was named after the filles du roi.