When can the median cubital be used for venipuncture?

Therefore, our present study suggests the following points: (1) the cephalic vein at the cubital fossa is a relatively safe venipuncture site because of its distance from the median nerve, brachial artery, and superficial nerve; (2) when puncturing the cephalic vein is difficult because it is not visible, the median …

Why is median cubital vein preferred for venipuncture?

4.1 Venipuncture. Of these three veins, the preferred one for venipuncture is the median cubital vein because it is larger and has a lower tendency to move or roll when the needle is inserted. There are also fewer nerve endings surrounding this vein making venipuncture less painful at this site.

How do you find the median of a cubital vein?

The median cubital vein, also known as the median basilic vein, is located in the triangular area inside the elbow. If you lay your hand down palm up on a desk, you’ll see the underside of your elbow. Right in the crease there you’ll see right where this vein runs through.

What is the role of median cubital vein?

The median cubital vein is not critical to life, but it does help facilitate venous return from the arms back to the pulmonary system. The significance of this vein is its use in venipuncture, the procedure that collects blood for laboratory testing.

What is the median cubital vein used for?

In human anatomy, the median cubital vein (or median basilic vein) is a superficial vein of the upper limb. It is very clinically relevant as it is routinely used for venipuncture (taking blood) and as a site for an intravenous cannula.

What is a median cubital vein?

The median cubital vein is the superficial vein overlying the bicipital aponeurosis in the roof of the cubital fossa, commonly cannulated for intravenous access. It variably forms as either a H or M type pattern joining the median antebrachial, basilic and cephalic veins.

What type of veins are suitable for venipuncture?

The optimal sites for venepuncture are the veins in the antecubital fossa – the cephalic, basilic and median cubital veins. A suitable vein will be ‘bouncy’ to the touch, have no pulse and refill when depressed.

What is a cubital vein?

What is the median cubital?

Which veins should be avoided in venipuncture?

The cephalic and basilic veins have a greater tendency to roll and veinpuncture may be more painful from these sites. Sometimes venipuncture is performed on hand veins when the veins in the antecubital fossa are not appropriate.

Which is the most common site of the median cubital vein?

The median cubital vein in the antecubital fossa is the most commonly used site due to its accessibility and size, followed by the neighboring cephalic and basilic veins [13,49,51,52].

Where are the venipuncture sites of the cubital fossa?

The present study macroscopically and anatomically ascertained positional relationships between cutaneous nerves and veins in the cubital (aka antecubital) fossa in many cadaveric dissections to determine the risk of peripheral nerve injury during venipuncture. We identified the most suitable venipuncture site in the upper arm.

Where is the venipuncture of the upper arm?

We identified the most suitable venipuncture site in the upper arm. The medial cutaneous nerve of the forearm (MCNF) passed above the median cubital vein (MCBV) in 27 of 128 cases (21.1%), and was located inferior to the MCBV in 37 of 128 cases (28.9%). The MCBV also passed above the lateral cutaneous nerve forearm (LCNF) in 8 of 128 cases (6.2%).

When to apply a tourniquet to the median cubital vein?

Application of the tourniquet 3–4 in. above the site of collection applies pressure to the vein, impeding its flow of blood back to the heart and increasing the peripheral vein’s definition making them easier to locate and pierce during blood collection. Improper application of a tourniquet, however, can introduce numerous preanalytical errors.