When did Antoine Galland translate Arabian Nights?

Antoine Galland (1646-1715) was a French orientalist and classic scholar, who became famous for his translation of the Thousand and one nights, the first translation ever, published between 1704-1717 in 12/14 volumes.

Who wrote the first European translation of some of the Tales of Arabian Nights?

Antoine Galland
The first European translation of the Nights, which was also the first published edition, was made by Antoine Galland as Les Mille et Une Nuits, contes arabes traduits en français, 12 vol. (vol. 1–10, 1704–12; vol. 11 and 12, 1717).

Where did Antoine Galland grow up?

Galland was born at Rollot in Picardy (now in the department of Somme). After completing school at Noyon, he studied Greek and Latin in Paris, where he also acquired some Arabic.

Who is the author of Arabian Nights?

In Arabian Nights (subtitled A caravan of Moroccan dreams) is a travel book by Anglo-Afghan author Tahir Shah illustrated by Laetitia Bermejo.

What was the original story of Aladdin?

The original story of ‘Aladdin’ is, maybe surprisingly, set in China. In the earliest versions of the story, Aladdin is Chinese. He’s also not an orphaned street urchin but a lazy boy living at home with his mother. All the characters in the tale are also Chinese apart from the wicked magician who is from North Africa.

Who is the father of the main character Shahrazad who is the Vizier of the Sultan?

Scheherazade’s Father, sometimes called Jafar, is the vizier of King Shahryar and the father of Scheherazade and Dunyazad. Every day, on the king’s order, he beheads the brides of Shahryar.

Where is Aladdin from?

Aladdin (Disney character)

Spouse Jasmine
Children Aziz (son; in Descendants)
Relatives The Sultan (father-in-law)
Nationality Agrabah