When did they stop making aluminum Christmas trees?

None of this was helped by the fact that around the same time, new plastic trees with lifelike, polyethylene needles began entering the market. The aluminum tree market collapsed. Sales plummeted, and, in 1970, the Aluminum Specialty Company discontinued its production of aluminum Christmas trees.

Are aluminum Christmas trees safe?

The tree can become charged with electricity from faulty lights, and a person touching a branch could be electrocuted. Seems that aluminum is a conductor of electricity, so if you put electric lights on it, you have the necessary ingredients to create shock and/or fire. So take notice – and take care!

Does anyone make aluminum Christmas trees?

Once-deemed too artificial, the shiny trees are now highly sought-after items, cherished for their nostalgia as well as their reusability. The festive aluminum trees were first mass-produced by the Aluminum Specialty Company in Manitowoc, Wisconsin….Aluminum Trees Make a Comeback this Christmas.

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Why were aluminum Christmas trees popular?

The aluminum Christmas tree was used as a symbol of the commercialization of Christmas in the 1965 television special, A Charlie Brown Christmas, which discredited its suitability as a holiday decoration. By the mid-2000s aluminum trees found a secondary market online, often selling for high premiums.

Why did they stop making aluminum Christmas trees?

As the mid-1960s passed, the aluminum Christmas tree began to fall out of favor, with many thrown away or relegated to basements and attics. The airing of A Charlie Brown Christmas in 1965 has been credited with ending the era of the aluminum tree, and by 1967 their time had almost completely passed.

How were aluminum Christmas trees made?

The central pole had holes drilled into at angles so when the aluminum foil branches were attached they formed a tree shape. The foil branches had woven aluminum “needles” as well. Each tree took about 15 minutes to assemble.

Do they still make aluminum trees?

Were aluminum Christmas trees a real thing?

Aluminum trees have been said to be the first artificial Christmas trees that were not green in color. Aluminum Christmas trees were first commercially manufactured sometime around 1955, remained popular into the 1960s, and were manufactured into the 1970s.