When should a pediatric patient be intubated?

Within the pediatric population, the most common indications for intubation are trauma and primary respiratory failure. Examples include cardiac arrest, traumatic brain injury, and status epilepticus.

What are the airway concerns that you have when intubating a child?

This funnel shape predisposes the child to a greater risk for airway obstruction from processes causing subglottic edema, such as croup or intubation trauma….10 Common Pediatric Airway Problems—And Their Solutions.

Tongue large relative to mouth, filling the oropharynx Tongue easily obstructs larynx if baby loses consciousness.

Do children get intubated?

This obstruction is common in asthma and bronchiolitis. We must remember that children can get intubated by this indication but it has been described an increase in mean airway pressure that may impede venous return. Therefore, under this indication children should only be intubated in EXTREME CIRCUMSTANCES [1].

What is the purpose of succinylcholine?

Succinylcholine is a skeletal muscle relaxant for intravenous (IV) administration indicated as an adjunct to general anesthesia, to facilitate tracheal intubation, and to provide skeletal muscle relaxation during surgery or mechanical ventilation.

How many Succs are needed for intubation?

In our opinion, 1.0–1.5 mg/kg succinylcholine is the ideal dose for intubation in clinical anesthesia.

What are the signs of rapid sequence intubation?

Rapid Sequence Intubation Indications for RSI Oxygenation failure PaO 2 less than 60 on FiO 2 greater than 40 % Ventilation failure pCO 2 greater than 55 with previously normal pCO 2 or acute rise of 10 or more torr Need hyperventilation Profound shock Reduces energy expenditure used during rapid breathing Intentional paralysis

What kind of drug should I take for intubation?

Sedation and analgesia for intubation. Laryngoscopy and intubation are uncomfortable; in conscious patients, a short-acting IV drug with sedative or combined sedative and analgesic properties is mandatory. Etomidate 0.3 mg/kg, a nonbarbiturate hypnotic, may be the preferred drug.

When do you know you need to intubate a patient?

It should be considered that intubation may be required when evaluating the patient, and that in the long term, airway protection will be needed or that the problem cannot be solved by noninvasive ventilation via airway aids and devices. Identifying the problem causing the patient’s respiratory failure helps in making the decision to intubate.

What are the guidelines for front of neck intubation?

Recommendations for emergency front of neck airway are for a scalpel-bougie-tube technique while acknowledging the value of other techniques performed by trained experts. As most critical care airway catastrophes occur after intubation, from dislodged or blocked tubes, essential methods to avoid these complications are also emphasized.