Where do Marines go for intelligence training?

Dam Neck Va
The Marine Intelligence Community receives it training at the headquarters element in Damneck Va as well as subordinate commands in the wide array of intelligence skills at Fort Belvoir Va, Dam Neck Va, Newport RI, and Little Creek, Va.

What Mos is 0231?

Intelligence Specialist
Marine Corps COOL Summary – MOS 0231 Intelligence Specialist.

How long is Marine counterintelligence training?

It requires extensive training, of up to two years, before being sent out to remote areas of the world for lengthy periods of time. The training involves immersive language training, basic intelligence school, and human intelligence school to learn how to coerce individuals into giving you information.

How long is training for Marine infantry?

Infantry Training Battalion (ITB) is a 59-day course. The mission is to train, mentor, and evaluate Marines in the Infantry MOS with specific entry-level tasks under the leadership of Combat Instructors.

Where do 0231 Marines get stationed?

The two Marine Recruit Training Depots are at Parris Island, South Carolina and San Diego, California.

What Asvab score do you need for intelligence?

Army Line Scores:

35F Intel analyst ST:101
35G Geospatial intelligence imagery analyst ST:101
35L Counterintelligence agent ST:101
35M Human intelligence collector DLAB:107

Where is 0231 stationed?

What Asvab score do I need for marine intelligence?

Marine Line Scores Calculations:

MOS Code MOS Title Minimum ASVAB Line Score
0261 Geographic intelligence specialist GT=110
0241 Imagery analysis specialist GT=110
0351 Infantry assaultman GT=100
0231 Intelligence specialist GT=110

Does Marine Corps have intelligence?

Functionally, Marine Corps Intelligence provides intelligence support through its traditional intelligence disciplines consisting of: Human Intelligence (HUMINT) and Counter Intelligence (CI), Geospatial Intelligence (GEOINT) and Signals Intelligence (SIGINT).

Is MCT harder than boot camp?

Some Marines found MCT to be a challenge, while others thought it was much easier than boot camp. After this training, Marines move on to training specific to their MOS before transferring to their Permanent Duty Stations.

What percentage of recruits fail Marine boot camp?

About 7.6% of military recruits dropped out in 2020. This is much less than years past, which saw a dropout rate of around 10.8%.

What is MOS 0231 in the Marine Corps?

MOS 0231 Marine Corps Intelligence Specialist is an entry-level intelligence position within the Marines. Those that qualify for MOS 0231 can eventually consider progressing to the 0300 level, or 0400 level of Marines intelligence.

Do you have to go to boot camp for MOS 0231?

Those that qualify for MOS 0231 can eventually consider progressing to the 0300 level, or 0400 level of Marines intelligence. All new recruits must complete Marine Corps boot camp in order to continue service, regardless if you enter a combat or non-combat MOS.

What are the training requirements for MOS 2621?

Additionally, Marines assigned MOS 2621 will receive training in such MOS related requirements as power supply operations, equipment prime mover operations, and vehicle maintenance procedures. Prior to, or in conjunction with being promoted to sergeant, Marines will receive formal schooling in signals/traffic analysis and reporting procedures.

Where to start intelligence training in the Marine Corps?

If you have an interest in a career in military intelligence, any one of the branches of the U.S. military will provide options, but if you’re determined to be a Marine, then MOS 0231 is where you’ll start your intelligence training.