Which is considered an agile architecture practice?

Agile Architecture is a set of values, practices, and collaborations that support the active, evolutionary design and architecture of a system. This approach embraces the DevOps mindset, allowing the architecture of a system to evolve continuously over time, while simultaneously supporting the needs of current users.

What is the balance between emergent design and intentional architecture?

Emergent design enables fast, local control so that teams can react appropriately to changing requirements without excessive attempts to future-proof the system. Intentional architecture provides the guidance needed to ensure that the whole system has conceptual integrity and is fit for its purpose.

What benefits can emergent design bring to Agile Software Development?

By using emergent design, we defer designing for the unknown unknowns until we encounter them. Unlike traditional engineering which has blueprint before manufacturing, software projects often start one without any – especially in Agile projects that need to start immediately.

What is emergent design?

Emergent design refers to the ability to adapt to new ideas, concepts, or findings that arise while conducting qualitative research. In contrast to more structured approaches, an emergent design welcomes unanticipated information, often adding to the richness of the data.

What is best practice in architecture?

In the construction industry, best practice is commonly defined by standards, which are published documents that are intended to define the common specifications, methods and procedures that are to be used.

What are two different types of enabler stories?

Broadly, there are four main types of enabler stories:

  • Exploration – often referred to as a ‘spike’.
  • Architecture – design a suitable architecture that describes the components in a system and how they relate to each other.
  • Infrastructure – perform some work on the solution infrastructure.

What is emergent design in architecture?

My definition of Emergent Design/Architecture without stating the obvious is that it is the process of producing deliverables without defining the design or architecture upfront and allow the design/architecture to materialise over time in order to be able to respond to systemic change quicker in a learning environment …

What is an emergent framework?

Emergent Design is a phrase coined by David Cavallo to describe a theoretical framework for the implementation of systemic change in education and learning environments. It is related to the theories of situated learning and of constructionist learning.

What is 70’s architecture called?

Brutalist designs became most commonly used in the design of institutional buildings, such as universities, libraries, courts and city halls. The popularity of the movement began to decline in the late 1970s, with some associating the style with urban decay and totalitarianism.