Which is the most common commercial zone in LA?
There are seven commercial zones in LA (CR, C1, C1. 5, C2, C4, C5, and CM), but C2 is by far the most common.
What is C3 zoning in Los Angeles?
Zone C-3: Unlimited Commercial Permitted Uses: Zone C-2 uses, secondhand stores (22.28. 180) Minimum Required Area: No minimum required area. But see 21.24.
What is Lara zoning in Los Angeles?
The current LARA zoning allows for one house for every 17,500ft and allows horses. But if rezoned to RS zoning like the John Laing Homes you can get up to one home on every 7500 square foot lot.
What is a CPIO Los Angeles?
Background. The City of Los Angeles introduced Community Plan Implementation Overlay Districts (CPIOs) in 2010 to offer tailored zoning regulations in neighborhoods that are in the process of updating their Community Plans. Previous to the CPIO, the City adopted Community Design Overlay (CDO) Districts.
What does Zone c4 mean?
Commercial Center
The Commercial Center (C-4) Zone is intended to create and preserve certain commercial areas for development as regional retail centers. The zone is intended for large-scale commercial uses which are developed pursuant to a comprehensive plan.
What is a R2 zone?
R2 (Residential, Low Density) District. The R2 zoning district identifies areas of the City characterized by low density development. The standards of the R2 zoning district are intended to maintain residential neighborhood character, and to ensure that new development is compatible with the existing character.
What is an R4 lot?
“R4” MULTIPLE DWELLING ZONE. Any use permitted in the “R3” Multiple Dwelling Zone. 2. Churches (except rescue mission or temporary revival) or philanthropic institutions, with yards as required in Sec. 12.21 C.
What is an R3 zone?
c. R3 (Residential—Multiple-Family) district. The R3 zoning district is intended for multiple-family housing including apartments, condominium development, rowhouse development, townhouse development, small-lot single-family development and similar and related compatible uses.
What does zoned E3 mean?
E3 is a zone for land with special ecological, scientific, cultural or aesthetic attributes or environmental hazards/processes requiring careful consideration and management to ensure development is compatible with these values.
Where can I find Los Angeles County zoning?
For more complete information, see Title 22 (Planning and Zoning) of the Los Angeles County Code, or stop by the office of the Los Angeles County Department of Regional Planning, Room 1360 Hall of Records, 320 W. Temple St., Los Angeles, CA 90012. Phone: (213) 974-6411.
How many community plans does Los Angeles have?
The City of Los Angeles maintains 35 Community Plans, one for each of its Community Plan Areas. The Community Plans establish neighborhood-specific goals and implementation strategies to achieve the broad objectives laid out in the City’s General Plan.
What is the urban village zone in Los Angeles?
Encourage the inclusion of affordable housing in the future redevelopment of city owned properties, especially those located within the Urban Village zone. Los Angeles Department of City Planning 2-3 CASP Cornfield Arroyo Seco Specific Plan Chapter 2.1 Zoning B. Land Use 1. The Plan is divided into the following four land use categories: a.
What is the Urban Innovation Zone in Los Angeles?
Los Angeles River Urban Center Zone Urban Innovation Zone RD2-1 (no change) RD1.5-1 (no change) No Change – CM Public Facilities Open Space Metro Gold Line & Stations Prepared by Los Angeles Department of City Planning 025_ j : 05.2013 Los Angeles Department of City Planning 2-7 D. Permitted Uses