Which of the following symptoms can indicate that an extravasation of a peripheral administration of chemotherapy has occurred?

Signs and symptoms of vesicant extravasation include swelling, redness and/or discomfort that is often described as a burning or stinging sensation.

Is extravasation the same as infiltration?

A serious complication is the inadvertent administration of a solution or medication into the tissue surrounding the IV catheter–when it is a nonvesicant solution or medication, it is called infiltration; when it is a vesicant medication, it is called extravasation.

How long does it take for extravasation to occur?

The full effect of the extravasation injury is not usually immediately apparent but may evolve over days or weeks. Early local symptoms of a vesicant extravasation resemble those of an irritant extravasation: local pain, erythema, burning, pruritus, or swelling [33, 34].

Why is Adriamycin called the Red Devil?

In the world of cancer treatment, Adriamycin is often called the “Red Devil,” both for its bright, red Kool-Aid color and its nasty side effects. The drug can cause tissue damage if not administered correctly. It can also cause heart damage, though that’s a lesser occurring side effect.

What should I use for extravasation of doxorubicin?

In another case, a 49-year-old man receiving 4 to 6 mg of doxorubicin was treated for extravasation of doxorubicin with 5 mL of 8.4% sodium bicarbonate, ice packs, and DMSO 99% applied daily for 14 days.

How is DMSO used in the treatment of extravasations?

Pharmacologic Treatment. DMSO: DMSO is a common solvent that penetrates tissues and enhances skin permeability, which may facilitate absorption of an extravasated drug. When applied topically, it has free-radical scavenging/anti oxidant properties that may speed up the removal of the extravasated drug.

Can a chemotherapeutic drug cause an extravasation?

ABSTRACT: Intravenous (IV) chemotherapeutic medications have the potential to cause extravasation injury or tissue necrosis at the site of administration. Although a majority of extravasations can be prevented by proper and thorough infusion administration, several antidotes have been recognized and studied to prevent further tissue injury.

What are the effects of dexrazoxane on healthy tissue?

Furthermore, dexrazoxane has a protective effect on healthy tissue by stabilizing topoisomerase II, thereby preventing damage from anthracycline. This mechanism of action is responsible for its ability to reduce the cardiotoxicity associated with anthracyclines, such as doxorubicin.