Which type of hay is best for guinea pigs?

Your guinea pig should have unlimited access to high quality grass hay. Your guinea pig should eat a pile of hay as big as his body every day. Avoid alfalfa hay unless directed by your veterinarian. Instead choose timothy, orchard grass or oat hay.

Can guinea pigs eat any type of hay?

Timothy Hay is a Favorite Timothy hay is a good choice of grass hay, as it’s readily available from most pet stores and can be bought in bulk from country feed stores or farms. Most guinea pigs seem to really like it. With timothy hay — or any other type — buy only clean, fresh, good-quality hay.

Is timothy hay or alfalfa better for guinea pigs?

Alfalfa hay is rich in protein and calcium, but when combined with pellets it doesn’t have the proper ratio of calcium and phosphorus. It also may predispose certain guinea pigs to calcium oxalate bladder or kidney stones. Timothy hay is a better choice and is becoming more readily available.

Do guinea pigs need timothy hay?

Guinea pigs don’t usually overeat, but it’s important to provide the proper balance of pellets, hay and fresh vegetables. Timothy hay: Provide an unlimited quantity of fresh timothy hay every day. Guinea pigs need continuous access to hay to aid their digestion and limit the growth of their teeth.

What can replace hay for guinea pigs?

On the whole, fresh grass is the best choice to temporarily replace hay. Guinea pigs can forage for this in the backyard, replicating natural behaviors, or grass can grown in trays inside. It is important to be selective about the type of grass you use for your guinea pig’s diet, and to introduce it slowly.

Why is alfalfa hay bad for guinea pigs?

Alfalfa hay is rich in protein and calcium, but when combined with pellets it doesn’t have the proper ratio of calcium and phosphorus. This can lead to improper gastrointestinal motility, such as diarrhea. It also may predispose certain guinea pigs to calcium oxalate bladder or kidney stones.

Can guinea pigs eat grass instead of hay?

Yes, guinea pigs can eat grass since it contains some helpful nutrients. However, it can’t replace hay since hay has roughage and nutrients your piggies can’t get in any other foods. Grass from the lawn may also contain pesticides, weed killers, or any other chemicals that may be harmful to cavies.

Can fresh grass replace hay for guinea pig?

Do guinea pigs need hay and pellets?

Guinea pigs don’t usually overeat, but it’s important to provide the proper balance of pellets, hay and fresh vegetables. Guinea pigs need continuous access to hay to aid their digestion and limit the growth of their teeth.

Is Timothy grass the same as timothy hay?

Well, timothy hay is just dried timothy grass. Both are pretty much equally nutritious to your guinea pig’s health.

Do guinea pigs need hay or straw?

Do guinea pigs need hay or straw? Yes. Hay is vital to keep the guinea pig’s digestive system in good working order and should function as the largest ingredient in her diet. Make sure it is dust-free though!

What can I give guinea pig instead of hay?