Who is counter Illaoi?

The best champions that counter Illaoi are Urgot, Tryndamere, Kayle, Heimerdinger and Lucian.

How do you beat Illaoi in 2021?

Always try to dodge her E. If she manages to land it, make sure to get out of its zone as soon as possible (this will stop her AoE from hitting you multiple times). Illaoi has a lack of mobility, so when you’re laning against her, make sure to pick champions with high movement speed or mobility.

Who goes well with Illaoi?

Illaoi is best with …

Name Winrate
Graves Jungler +7.9%
Amumu Support +6.2%
Jhin AD Carry +4.8%
Yuumi Support +3.9%

How do you dodge Illaoi Q?

Try to kill of all tentacles and dodge this ability with any movement/dash ability. After you have dodges this ability Illaoi is easily punished. Do not try to fight Illaoi if she hits her E and has surrounding tentacles. R: Illaoi slams into the ground and spawns’ tentacles per enemy champion near her.

Is Illaoi a bad champion?

Keep in mind that Illaoi can be one of the most oppressive top laners in the game, especially if she starts snowballing, so you always want to keep the pressure up. If you get very far ahead DO NOT PLAY PASSIVE, you will be able to kill people even if you get ganked.

Who wins Darius vs Illaoi?

Darius Top vs Illaoi Top Build & Runes Darius wins against Illaoi 49.42% of the time which is 0.23% higher against Illaoi than the average opponent. After normalising both champions win rates Darius wins against Illaoi 1.48% less often than would be expected.

Can you carry as Illaoi?

The carry potential of Illaoi is one of the highest in the game. There will come a point where you enter RAID BOSS mode if you can get the items.

Does Jax counter Illaoi?

Unfortunately, Jax does a dismal job of countering Illaoi. Normally, he wins a lowly 47.0% of games the champs fight one another in. In Jax versus Illaoi matches, Jax’s team is 0.1% more expected to obtain first blood. This implies that he most likely will get first blood against Illaoi.

Is Illaoi a good top?

Illaoi is a fairly complex champion to learn, but the effort you put into her is well worth it, because when it comes to laning phase, she is definitely one of the strongest top laners in the game.

Is Illaoi easy?

Illaoi is easy to learn but hard to master. Q is an AOE skillshot, W is a small click-to-target jump, E is a champ-based skillshot that echoes damage, and her R is a displacement-immune large AOE.

What should I build against Illaoi as Darius?

The most important items to have in your Darius versus Illaoi build consist of Stridebreaker, Sterak’s Gage, and Spirit Visage. When Darius bought at least these three items in his build, he did a lot better versus Illaoi than with many other commonly used builds.

Does Nasus counter Illaoi?

Nasus has to counter Illaoi in only 2.5% of his games. Unfortunately, Nasus has done a below average job of countering Illaoi. Typically, he wins a lowly 47.6% of the time the champions battle each other in.

Which is the best way to counter illaoi?

When her ult is over, attack her. Illaoi is a lane bully and forces most champions to farm under tower. Have your jungle help the lane when she overextends. Illaoi is defenseless against ganks as she has no escapes except for flash or ghost.

What do you need to know about illaoi top?

Illaoi is a lane bully and forces most champions to farm under tower. Have your jungle help the lane when she overextends. Illaoi is defenseless against ganks as she has no escapes except for flash or ghost. Who Counters Illaoi Top?

Can You counter illaoi legit with ranged champions?

Illaoi legit gets countered by ranged champions (Dirty Mobs agreed with this as well), and I see so many Quinn players make this mistake. When Illaoi E is down she is useless against Quinn, so pressure her and punish her if she misses her E.

Who is better at countering illaoi than Teemo?

Reasons why Teemo counters Illaoi: Teemo is a ranged and AP champion. Teemo is faster than Illaoi. Teemo has better zone control. Teemo has a blind which counters any Illaoi’s melee attacks. How To Beat Teemo as Illaoi?