Who is the best Shyvana player?

How are players ranked?

# Summoner Winrate
1. Stonxerinks OCE (#1) Master 75.0%
2. Albozz NA (#2) Master 63.6%
3. MacBert EUW (#3) Master 67.4%
4. l Vasto l BR (#4) Master 60.4%

Is Urgot good Jungler?

Urgot has some really good jungle clear with his passive. He also has good early game counter jungling potential against a lot of champions, especially those who don’t have good defensive stats. If you run predator, you have very good gank potential.

Who beats Shyvana top?

Shyvana Counter Pick The strongest counter would be Sejuani, a moderately diffcult to play champion who currently has a Win Rate of 50.31% (Average) and Play Rate of 2.09% (High).

What does Shyvana do in League of Legends?

ACTIVE: Shyvana unleashes a fireball in the target direction, stopping upon colliding with an enemy champion and dealing 60 / 100 / 140 / 180 / 220 (+0.3 per attack damage) (+70% of ability power) magic damage to all enemies hit and marking them for 5 seconds.

Which is the best pick for Shyvana top lane?

Probably the best pick with Shyvana. Amumu has great synergy with Shyvana as her kit misses CC, and he covers for it. Together they can chew down the enemy top laner and even win 2v3 if you get counter ganked and roamed.

Which is the worst matchup for Shyvana?

Kalista has incredible range and mobility, one of the worst matchups for Shyvana. Shyvana is very strong early on, but on the contrary Kayle is very weak early on with no mobility. Try to trade heavily and negate Kayle’s scaling.

When to call for Ganks against Shyvana in RuneScape?

Call for ganks often because if she scales properly, she is a scary champion. His stuns and long range do counter Shyvana, but he is completely useless without flash, play safe until he popped his flash and then commit. A skilled Kled can demolish you, while a poorly skilled one will die every minute.