Why are Cavaliers so expensive?

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel They are still uncommon and demand a higher price in the US, and since numerous health problems afflict the breed, it may stay that way. They suffer from heart disease, spinal cord problems, and can also have hip dysplasia.

How do you buy a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel?

You can buy a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel from a show breeder, who breeds Cavaliers to match a detailed standard of appearance for the dog show ring. You can also buy a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel from people who “just breed pets” or “just had one litter.” But should you?

How do you adopt a Papillon?

The easiest way to adopt a Papillon would be through a rescue that specializes in Papillons. A great place to start would be by starting a breed search on Adopt-a-Pet.com. The search will show you all the available Papillons in your area.

What does a Papillon puppy cost?

A papillon puppy, on average, can cost anywhere from $375 to more than $1,500. If purchasing from a reputable breeder, who includes all of the necessary paperwork, then you should be prepared to spend $750 to as much as $2,000 or more.

How much do Cavalier King Charles puppy cost?

On average, the price for a Cavalier King Charles puppy ranges anywhere from $900 to $2,400. The costs will depend on the dog’s age, color, the quality, its bloodline, the breeder and geographical location.

What is the life expectancy of King Charles Cavalier?

The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel is a breed that is known to live for as long as a decade. The official estimate is 9 to 14 years. This is dependent on a lot of factors such as genetics, health care, and even the environment.

Are Cavalier King Charles good with other dogs?

Cavalier King Charles Spaniels are playful, agreeable, patient, and highly affectionate. They enjoy spending time with their owners, other dogs and aren’t intimidated by much larger dogs. As spaniels, they have a hunting instinct and will chase after balls, birds, and cars.

Is a Cavalier King Charles dog right for You?

Cavalier King Charles Spaniels are excellent canine companions, but not necessarily for everyone. It’s important to select a dog breed that suits you, your family and your lifestyle. Cavaliers love family life, however, some caution is advisable for families with very small children. Watch and instruct small children to treat puppies gently, so they don’t unintentionally hurt your new pet.