Why do I have a red spot on my arm?

There are several possible causes for red dots on the skin, including heat rash, KP, contact dermatitis, and atopic dermatitis. Red dots on the skin may also occur due to more serious conditions, such as a viral or bacterial infection.

What is a red raised blotch on the skin?

When the red spot is raised, it is known as a papule. Erythema is the medical term for redness of the skin. Red spots on the skin that occur singly can be a small benign tumor of blood vessels, known as a hemangioma. Tiny, pinpoint hemorrhages can be seen in the skin and are referred to as petechiae.

What does cellulitis look like in the beginning?

Cellulitis initially appears as pink-to-red minimally inflamed skin. The involved area may rapidly become deeper red, swollen, warm, and tender and increase in size as the infection spreads. Occasionally, red streaks may radiate outward from the cellulitis. Blisters or pus-filled bumps may also be present.

What are the red marks on my Arms?

The appearance of red spots on arms is usually associated with a common skin condition known as keratosis pilaris. The red spots are similar in appearance to acne.

What are large purple spots on arms?

Purple or red-colored spots on your skin are called purpura. These spots usually appear due to sub-dermal bleeding or skin hemorrhages. They can appear on the skin of body organs such as eyes, nose, mouth cavity, arms, legs or any other parts of your body.

What causes edema in the arms?

EDEMA: Edematous arm caused by subclavian vein stenosis. A local or generalized condition in which body tissues contain an excessive amount of tissue fluid in the interstitial spaces.

What causes swelling on the forearm?

The most common cause of a swollen forearm is injury that results from trauma or overuse, while less common but more serious conditions that can cause such swelling include bone fractures and edema. Many athletes experience swollen forearm conditions after incurring a direct impact or trauma to the forearm.