Why does my jaw hurt pregnant?

The hormone relaxin, which is helping your body’s joints loosen up to deliver the baby, can also cause your jaw joint to relax, making it more likely to dislocate. During pregnancy, you want to avoid taking too many pain medications, but you don’t want to live with this additional pain.

Why does my jaw bone feel sore?

Jaw pain, which sometimes radiates to other areas of the face, is a common concern. It can develop due to sinus infections, toothaches, issues with the blood vessels or nerves, or other conditions. Most types of jaw pain result from temporomandibular joint disorder.

Can pregnancy cause your jaw to hurt?

There is no specific cause of jaw pain during pregnancy. Jaw pain while pregnant may occur due to the problems with the joint or the muscles of the jaw.

Can pregnancy affect your jaw?

When you’re pregnant, there is already enough to worry about without adding TMJ pain to the list. Unfortunately, a side effect of pregnancy for some women is TMJ, the jaw joint disorder that affects the temporomandibular joint. This joint is the hinge that connects your jaw to the skull’s temporal bones.

Can pregnancy cause TMJ to flare up?

As the levels of relaxin and estrogen increases throughout pregnancy, laxity of the temporomandibular joint may increase and there may be a tendency to TMD. Swelling during pregnancy is due to the extra fluid and blood produced by the body.

What is TMJ pregnancy?

How can I relieve jaw pain during pregnancy?

Jaw Pain During Pregnancy: Possible Causes and Relief

  1. Cold compress.
  2. Simple exercises and massage.
  3. Choosing the right painkiller.
  4. Eating the proper foods.
  5. Improving your posture.
  6. Rest your jaw as it heals.

Is TMJ worse during pregnancy?

As the levels of relaxin and estrogen increases throughout pregnancy, laxity of the temporomandibular joint may increase and there may be a tendency to TMD.